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The day dawned frosty and misty, no wind, for a change, good ferreting weather. :no:


Was walking along a hedge, heading to the first bury, when a rabbit in front of me stood, for just too long i thought, it went into the bury i was going to do.

Neted up, (had to cut threw a load of headge ), 4 holes in all, then got my big polecat hob out and enterd him where the bunny poped in. By this stage, a rake of young bullucks came thundering towards me, being a real pain in the **** :stupid: , does anyone else find them a pain when ferreting? :o

Anyhow, a short rumble and pop, the first one in the bag, a mxy :/ , but seemed to bolt ok, that explained why it went in so slow, not to worry, moved on to some nice open sets. :D


Seen one go in on approaching, good sighn :) . 8 nets down, hob in, 10 or so mins later, number 2 in the bag. Hob went back down and right on the other side of the warren, number 3 made an appereance, followed closely by Mr hob. :/


Had a break, watched a stoat for a wee while working the headge, tryd taking a pic of it, but it was way too fast. :P :o


Moved on, decided to mooch in some feilds i did not do yet and looking in the feild, a nice site greeted me, bunnys in the middle of the feild, going down and coming out holes. :no:


Netted 15 holes and enterd Mr hob to play games with the bunnys, well, it was all action and i just managed to keep on top of it all and luckily missed none.

Got 5 out of their, could of been more, but it started to go slow and a herd of frishions had come to have a sniff, which made me decide to move on.

Got anotherr 1 and another did not bolt in another burry. Had a mark at 3 foot, waited for 20 mins and the hob came out.


I have got into waiting 20 mins, as i have found if you dig too soon, the ferret comes out and you end up diging for nothing. If i get a solid mark for more then 20 mins, i will dig, saves making the feild look like the moon. :P


Pics of the day below. :)


Pics of the place at dawn, the pain in the **** cattle :lol: , mxyd bunny, my hob after a rabbit bolting, 3 bunnys at break and the final bag of 9 rabbits and my polecat hob.





















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Having absolutely no knowledge of ferreting, please excuse this question Frank. Why doesn't it run off? He looks like an expectant dog waiting for your next command :stupid:


Great pics as ever and I agree, there's nothing worse than a herd of young heiffers, nosey ******* :no:



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Thanks folks. :lol:


Pedro, yes, if i left the ferret too long, he would go back and start hunting again, regardless of me trying to call him back :lol:


he stood still for a second in the photo and i clicked. :lol:


Most of the time, its quiet hard to get a ferret to stay still, very active creatures. :lol::lol:


You have to keep an eye on them, otherwise they can be off, but when ferreting, his one and only interest, is hunting out bunnys from a warren. :lol:





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