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Oh dear more peas !


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The farmer of one of my permissions which is outside my back door told me xmas time that the field of wheat behind my house had suffered so much slug damage that it might not recover and if that was the case he would re -drill with peas.


Noticed yesterday that he has sprayed the field off , so I am guessing I have another pea field to go at, last time this field was peas was around 8 years ago and it attracted so many pigeon he swore he would never grow them there again !.


While I feel sorry for the extra work and loss of income he will have for every loser there is a winner and looks like the winner is me !!!


There has also been a field of rape sprayed off on another permission but have not seen the farmer to find out whats going on there yet , I suspect it will be spring rape or peas.

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Fenboy, you have suddenly become everyones best friend.


Yes and hopefully I will be able to get one or two PW members out for the odd day over the summer / autumn .

I owe a couple of people days , who have given me some decent days shooting , I have not managed to get them out yet as I am reluctant to take them when I know there is little on offer , but I have a good memory and don't forget .

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