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Gun fit - can't see bead


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Need a bit of advice. I bought a Beretta SP1 off a mate. Problem was that when I mounted it just under the cheekbone I couldn't see the bead, all I see is the back of the receiver. I then bought a Beretta 686e with an adjustable comb, I can see the bead with the comb fully extended - although people think I have turned up to shoot trap and not sporting.


Is this normal? am I an alien? or should I just mount the gun lower, more on the jaw? BTW I have tried Brownings and other brands and I'm too low on all them.





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If it feels right shoots right it's probably just your small facial measurements.


Don't worry too much if it fits you now, the comb goes that high for the very reason you need it to.


I tend to mount mine to my cheek along the line of teeth rather than tight to the underside of cheek bone but that's how my eye lines up with the rib.




Edited by figgy
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As you say, if it works it works. Wonder if you only had one gun then you'd adjust naturally to whatever height the stock was in time. Interestingly, my wife has exactly the same problem as me - small faces must attract each other! Whereas my daughters boyfriend is way above the bead on the SP1

Edited by shaggy35
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Go to someone who really knows their stuff, preferably a true gunsmith (not all dealers are actual gunsmiths). I was being pushed by experienced shooters towards getting an after market high rib (as I had the opposite issue - seeing too much rib). However, another friend recommended a proper gunsmith whom I went to see and put 3/4 inch additional recoil pad and 1/4 inch cast (bending the stock outwards / away from ones face). This has fixed the problem completely and I no longer end up with a massivley bruised cheek after every shoot. I am no expert, but from this exerience perhaps you may just need the stock shortening slightly so you mount higher up the comb and are therefore able to see the end bead.

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Go a see a good coach who does gun fitting to fit a gun you must understand the gun and shooter. Most gunsmiths understand guns well enough but not the man shooting.


A coach will help with stance and mount the deal with the adjustments. When done this way all works in harmonie and shooting is smooth accurate and pain free

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