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help with david brown please


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hi - not a car but engine related - got a david brown 885 tractor - having problems in that it runs for a while and then cuts out - is a ****** to start again - then runs for anything from a couple of seconds to a minute and then cuts out again, any ideas or comments appreciated as i dont know very much about engines - atb - thanks

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thanks for the comments, no havent changed the filters only bought it last month, looked at it twice and both times it started and ran ok - will have a look at the filters and the fuel lines - am limited in what i know hope theyre not too big a job will have a look at the handbook for any more info - thanks again - atb

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We get this every so often on the older tractors we have - it is most likely to be crud in the fuel lines - often some biological deterioration of the diesel producing lumps of black tarry/jelly like rubbish. To give the symptoms you describe, it is quite possible that there is lump of something blocking a diesel line intermittently.. You may find it easily, you may not. I would guess its near to the fuel tank, as the system may suck air into the lines if the problem was down stream. We haven't had a DB for a long long time, but didn't some of the older ones have a pnematic governer that could cause trouble? yours may be a lot younger than this but.....


Take all the lines off, clean them out properly with petrol or brake cleaner or kerosine ( take proper safety precautions!), and check the system for "stuff" blocking any gauze type filters - one of ours has one of these adjacent to the injection pump. replace all the paper element filters - they are cheap enough - and bleed the system properly.


Good luck with it!

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Had the same problem with a diesel fergie - get on line and get a basic manual and as almost everyone has said change the fuel filters and let the fuel flow clear to the injector pump, switch off fuel and reconnect after allowing the fuel through the injector pump to the injector farthest from the fuel tank. When changing filters, refill e.g. the sight glass and main fuel filter with clean fuel before re installing or it will take forever to pump new, clean fuel through the system. This fuel starvation was my problem - not much else to go wrong with old diesels !

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new filters, air line to blow the pipes out, blow from the tank towards the lift pump (not through it), strip lift pump as it may have a gauze pre filter, blow lines through to filter head, no need to blow after filter head, reassemble, bleed and run

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thank all for all the constructive comments - plenty to think about - seems to be a general concensus of opinion it is fuel feed related- will have alook at the weekend if weather permits, got to start learning sometime - thanks pigeon man will let you know how i get on , thanks for the extremely good offer might take you up on it yet when i end up with a bag of left over bits that i dont know where they go!! :oops: - atb - thanks again

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Take photos with a digital camera before you disassemble anything - you might find them worth their weight in gold!! ( don't ask how I know this :whistling: )


would be worth taking pigeon man up on his offer - even if just for the re-assurance, and two heads are always better than one :good:



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thanks farmer sim top advice didnt think of that - could be a life saver in the long run - had a word with pigeon man and is a top bloke in offering assistance - turns out he has permission on the next but one field to me, have seen his motor parked up when driving past - small world!! thanks again for good advice - atb - thanks

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That's fantastic advice about pics, did it the other day and when I had encountered a prob went back and found I'd been taking things off standing above and putting things back kneeling down due to my back , just couldn't work out the problem then it came to me I'm an instant Im an old t***.

Good luck.

And remember overalls need to be left outside unless you want your house stinking and you're Mrs leaving !!

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