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Power lines


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Hello all

I am shooting on Saturday and the field with the best prospects has some power lines running through it, I have a clear angle so that they are not an issue but wanted any thoughts on whether pigeons act differently on the descent or if the power lines put them off???


Any thoughts welcomed.



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I have never had a problem shooting under power lines as long as you are not shooting the lines , the birds will decoy just fine , I also find that they tend to travel along the line of the wires .


Yeh I find that they tend to travel along the lines also, but I have had them skitish in the past where they have landed on the power lines first for a look around before they decoyed. It is very frustrating when this happens because as soon as one lands on the wires the rest follow.

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I have several field with the huge big power pylons in them and I use them to place hides as the pigeons use the powerlines as a flight route .... or the pylons were layed along their route. Anyway I often shoot from these hides and apart from the constant hissing from the cables it is perfect. Birds fly along the lines and I shoot them.... I used to avoide going close to the wires but after meeting one of the engineers while shooting he said with a shotgun it would be impossible to damage a pylon cable and the more delicate fibre is way on top so out of range..... With a hide situated against one of the pylon legs the pigeons seem not to noitce you until too late...... Just remember not to lay your pattern expecting them to fly under the pylons..... they dont do that often and tend to go over or around..... Oh and make sure the ******* dont sneak in and roost in the pylon above you..... sat there for ages wondering where they were and six of them where right above me......

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