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a deer in the end


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hi there


it has been very quiet for me as of late as the crop and grasses have had a new lease of life with all this sun good for the farmers not good for me..lol


i went out in the sun for a mooch thinking i may fall upon a set of cubs or a fox sunning itself but when i got the the farm i realized i could not stay as the grass was super long and yellow with buttercups almost thought it was rape there is many..


he had also young calve in every field and they just don't leave you along and are to nutty for me so i tend to give them a wide birth ..


it has sort of destroyed my night as i was far out and time was cracking on . i thought i would head back and pay a visit to another farm for a hour on the way home.. i got there for just before 9 and had a chat with the farmer he said there is plenty of deer not seen any foxes i replied if it ok il pop a deer and sort you some meat ok he said.. so with that on board i headed off down the fields..


i didn't see a thing! now that's a first for this place i always see plenty of deer moving but i carried on tip toeing around.


i began to get disheartened and got a bit sloppy in my stalking and then i stopped in my tracks there was a buck standing in the long grass about 60 yards out looking straight at me . he had clocked me good and proper and stood still in the hope i didn't spot him but i did and with a quick look in the binos he was a buck! i slowly got on my sticks raised my gun but my view was limited to neck and head now i have not shot deer in any other place other than a heart and lung shot but i decided to go with the neck. the shot rand out and a big thud rang back he was down and hit very hard..


the shot had destroyed his neck and on inspection the only thing holding it together was the skin..







this if him today after a few hours hard work






many thanks andy


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Great read Andy and a nice buck to end the day with, well done mate! :good:

I had a similar situation on Saturday evening. I went out to one of my permissions in the hope that I might be able to call a fox in with the new Tenterfield I have. Unfortunately no foxes showed but we don't have a "fox problem" serious enough to worry about around that permission. Just like yours the fields these were showing a new lease of life with the grass looking very lush and over knee high and also absolutely covered in buttercups. I stopped calling and spent nearly half an hour watching 3 roe deer come from out of the woods and into one of the hay fields about 150 yards away from where I was sitting, they seemed totally oblivious to my presence as the wind was perfectly in my favour and I was sat on a style tight against a small bush. No chance of a shot as I only had the .222 with me and they were all does anyhow. Even so a lovely sight to just sit and watch - I find sights like that a very pleasing way to end a quiet and sunny evening even without taking a shot. The up side of this "observation" is that the does I was watching were all in really good/excellent condition and obviously doing very well for themselves! :yes:

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sounds like a lovely way to spend a few hours pete i was speaking to the farmer about the butter cups he said he has never seen so many in his fields before it really does look like rape.. nice tho there so bright in the sun


you mention watching the deer i stood there Saturday at about 7.30 watching a badger i squeaked him in to kicking distance before a bottled it and shouted f off . lol i filmed him on my phone came about two yards from me .. oi dont fancy a bite from them there far to powerful

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sounds like a lovely way to spend a few hours pete i was speaking to the farmer about the butter cups he said he has never seen so many in his fields before it really does look like rape.. nice tho there so bright in the sun


you mention watching the deer i stood there Saturday at about 7.30 watching a badger i squeaked him in to kicking distance before a bottled it and shouted f off . lol i filmed him on my phone came about two yards from me .. oi dont fancy a bite from them there far to powerful

Too true Andy, I can't say that I would fancy Old Brock chewing on my leg either mate! :no::no::no:

It's pleasantly surprising what wildlife you can see and just how close you can get to if you stay quiet and still enough in the right places - It's all an important part of "fieldcraft"! :yes::yes::yes:

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my grazing is covered in buttercups, indistinguishable from the rape next door at a distance!


Good shooting - jealous of your freezer content



your right a poor rape growth and a lush growth of buttercups look very similar that's what im seeing a lot around my way the rape has suffered a big loss this year. i have read that its not that good for grazing on as it causes diarrhea in cattle ??

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