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Hello boys,went out and done abit of seatrout fishing or sewin as we call them,the other night,had a couple of casts nothing happening,moved up to the next pool changed my fly put on a little copper tube second cast and I had a shock,what a scrap I had with this straight off the tide 11lb sewin,a bar of silver with sealice on it,solid as a rock beautiful to eat so I did keep this one,but normally put them back over about 3 or for pound,




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Hello ackack,they'll run the river right up to the end of the season,sometimes we've had more fun towards the end wich is October 17th,went out last night river was looking great high tide was at 10 oclock, the say 2 hours after high tide is about right for them so the can settle down after being in salt and coming into fresh,but we cant stay to long in the week because we've got work in the mornings,hoping for some more rain today and tonight to bring the river up another foot and then we'll have ago for a salmon then on the double hander,cheers ack ack speak soon Ron. :good:

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