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Halifax bank transfers


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Got a chap who owes me £1600, and I've been waiting for it for 3 months now, with every excuse under the sun coming out. He informs me he's off for 3 weeks holiday now and transferred me from his new Halifax account on Saturday 11am and it was his first transaction so might not show for 24 hours.

It still doesn't show and it's really ****** me off.


Does anyone know how long it should have taken and if they'll take a longer period of time due to it being a new account.

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If it is Halifax to Halifax it should be pretty much instant.


If it is between two different banks, depends on how it was transferred. If they used the FasterPayments system - then 24 hours. If BACS - then usually 3 days. If CHAPS - then same day (but the sender will incur a fee for this).

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Most banks are in the FasterPayments system now - so yes, it should be next working day (may not include weekends).




Edit: I take that back, I thought there were more:


Faster Payments Scheme Members

The Faster Payments Scheme has 10 members:

  • Barclays
  • Citi
  • Co-operative Bank
  • Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks (National Australia Group)
  • HSBC
  • Lloyds TSB
  • Nationwide Building Society
  • Danske Bank
  • Royal Bank of Scotland Group (including NatWest and Ulster Bank)
  • Santander UK.

Faster Payments Scheme membership is open to credit institutions with a settlement account at the Bank of England who can connect their payment system to the central infrastructure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Other financial institutions are able to join, either as direct members, or to access the system through agency arrangements with a member.

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I'm Natwest and usually all transfers are instant.


Might be, but typically with inter-bank BACS transfers, the money comes out of your account instantly, but only arrives at the other end 3 days later. Bit of a rip off - but that's why they came up with FasterPayments.


Read up here:



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He's moved properties since he's owed me the funds but I have all correspondence from him.


If it's not in my account by 11am then with all the lie's ive had over the 3 months im off to the Police or Citazens advice.


Basically I paid for a pair of rf bins.


He said my transfer had not come through after 3 days, then it did but he wouldn't meet up to hand over, then his mum died, then he decided to relocate, then his house was broken into, then his new bank were taking 4 weeks to change accounts , then they had messed up and would take another 3 weeks and now I've just spoke to him and he's looked at his account whilst waiting in airport and money has been sent back to him. Total bullpoop but what can I do as he keeps making excuses under the sun. Can I use his old address ( which ive been too) on a CCJ

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You need a current address where he gets correspondence, but you could try a threatening letter in case his mail is being forwarded on. Next option is a visit to that address to see if the new occupier knows where he has gone. On the upside he is still talking to you which means there must be some intent to return the funds even if he doesn't have them to return.

If its a recent move he may not show up on the electoral register etc but that is worth a punt if you have enough details.

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I've been to his address and the bloke who is now living there is thick as 2 short planks and think he is housed there by the council.


Just had a text saying he's getting on a plane and wont be home for 3 weeks but his daughter might be able to help me but hasn't got anywhere near the amount I want back.


Can't believe I was so stupid to transfer him for an item I hadn't seen and also can't believe he can make up so much poop

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that basically means he didn't have the money to return, see if you can get whatever amount from the daughter you can on the basis anything is better than nothing. The issues you have really are that the police are unlikely to see it as fraud and the citizens advice can only really advise you of the court route. You need a current address to go down that route or to knock on the door, on the up side he is still talking so isn't doing a complete runner but presumably were he to change his mobile number that would be all communications out of the window.

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try googling his mobile number just in case he is selling on any other sites, there is one person by that name based in RH10 who happens to be listed with BT but that might be a longshot but not impossible if he moved relatively locally. Otherwise the more you dig and the closer you get the more likely he will be to get the money from him.


Naming him was a good move people don't like others thinking they are thiefs

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i sold some flappers to a bloke in holland .....the cash was in my bank the next day.........


Believe it or not, an international (Within EU) transfer can be quicker than BACS! The banking system is very much held back by archaic systems which are too expensive or risky to change.

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