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Wet Thursday Afternoon


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Evening all

I had a afternoon off today so as soon as I could I packed up the truck and off I went to a field of peas I`d been watching, when i arrived I noticed the pigeons were feeding in their usual place now this was my first lesson of the day the best place to set up isnt always the easiest, The part of the field where the pigeons were feeding only had a ditch on the edge, it was quite a large ditch so I decided to leave the net, seat and pole in the truck I just took a shovel 6 flocked deeks and spring sticks and my new flapper which I hadn`t used before. So I decided I was going to have to cut a little ledge in the ditch banking so i had somewhere to sit and hide. After that was done the deeks were set up and I was ready. now the next 45mins was probably the worst of my short time as a shooter, plenty came in and I missed everything first it was the guns fault then the cartridges etc etc never did i think to blame myself haha. I found the problem was how I was sat I wasnt comfortable and I was having to twist into positions a man of my size shouldnt, so after abit more digging i was finally set. The next pigeon dropped out of the sky the smile was back the confidence was back everything was right with the world. after moving the flapper a few times I finally found a place it seemed to work and in my opinion on this day on this crop it did its job amazingly, I know that will not always be the case. So now I was up to about 8 pigeons when it decided it was going to test me further and started to rain now either it was dedication or stupidity (you decide) I decided I wasnt going anywhere luckily for me the pigeons kept coming in some managed to fly away again as well :lol: but I was doing ok. This is when I learnt my second lesson, now alot of people reading this may already know this but I didnt so I apologies in advance, but whie removing a shell decoy off its spring stick i snapped the hook at the top off then i realised that now it would also make a a great neck holder.

So not to bore you any longer I finished the day very wet having shot 31 pigeons and out of those 31 I managed 1 double 1 triple and 2 birds with 1 cartridge so I was and am a very pleased boy :yahoo::good::yes:





Edited by kxkirk
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