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The life of a drug addict ...


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Another thought....


We live in a society where, famous junkies die and get a mass of flowers stacked outside their houses and tributes etc. Sports people who win all then get found out to be taking drugs.... Rockstars who should be examples to young people racking up in public clubs and rolling out of bars gurning and eyes rolling. But most folk think hey ho, they are not robbing my granny are they?

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not that again! the point people are trying to make is her mother was a scumbag shes a scumbag and when she has a kid shell probably be a scumbag until the cycle is broken



Perhaps Johnathan and Henry could adopt them all! :good:

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Of course we have the capability to stop it problem is do we want to stop it? do you think its just the neanderthal halfwit on the street corner who controls it, ask yourself just who does have the finance to organise it all?




The capability to stop it is simply to give it away for nothing to addicts. Hence, no business in drugs any more.


If a magazine from on MP5 emptied into the back of a drug traffikers neck isn't stopping the problem then what do you sugest would?



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Experimentation and peer pressure? Remember that from when you were young? I know quite a number of kids who sniffed glue in the early 80s. Some smoked dope. Others succumbed to stronger stuff. Almost all of them managed to break the habit and go on to lead respectable and successful lives. I know at least one is a lawyer, one a quantity surveyor and one a high ranking police officer. I suspect from reading a lot of these posts the majority of PW posters would have had these folk neutered and clapped in irons! The key difference is that these folk could see a way out beyond drugs.


Unfortunately a lot do not have the benefit of this foresight or a even have the power to change their situation. How they got into drugs, to a degree, is immaterial. It's how they feel their lives change when they are on drugs that provides the pointers towards solving the problem. For many, the drugs may be an escape from their daily lives, a way of coping with grief or one of many other reasons. Solve society's problems and you can begin to solve drug addiction. Yeah, some might be the 'scum-of-the-earth' criminals, but as has already been mentioned a lot are not. Still at least it would break the cycle if they didn't breed...... Jeez, listen to yourselves :no:


Adolf Hitler was a teetotal, non-smoking vegetarian. What a fine upstanding member of society he was :lol:!


I take oxycodone, a prescription drug, for back pain and I cannot do without it. I have odd days when I could probably do without that level of pain relief, but it just isn't worth it. The side effects are hideous ranging from dizziness and nausea (like flu) to overheating and itching. Unless you have ever experienced it, then don't comment - you cannot begin to imagine what it is like. One guy off here has very kindly offered to give me some advice and help if I ever get to the point where I might be able to kick the blasted stuff. In the meantime, thank God I've managed to have some kids before the sterilizing becomes law, eh? :whistling:

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the crims would have to go back to bank robbery or what ever they did before they all became dealers


The capability to stop it is simply to give it away for nothing to addicts. Hence, no business in drugs any more.


If a magazine from on MP5 emptied into the back of a drug traffikers neck isn't stopping the problem then what do you sugest would?



malaysia dont shoot people they hang them

Edited by overandunder2012
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not that again! the point people are trying to make is her mother was a scumbag shes a scumbag and when she has a kid shell probably be a scumbag until the cycle is broken


Someone whos drug addiction stemmed from the fact that she was prostituted at the age of eight is a scumbag?


You, sir, are a complete moron.



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It is an actual physical addiction whereupon your body cannot do without the substance being put into it. Withdrawl has dire consequenses and can be fatal.




Garbage - your body can do without it. The consequences of staying on the drug are worse than coming off it. Think - Janis Joplin and Eric Clapton. There is a clue - one is still alive.

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the crims would have to go back to bank robbery or what ever they did before they all became dealers


This conveniently misses the point that the massive majority of crime associated with drugs (including dealing) is committed by addicts themselves who are stealing and dealing in order to get money for their next purchase. If the heroin trade weren't there then none of that would happen.



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Legalise and tax it all.


Look at USA and the prohibition era - old Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and he made enough money to go legit and shove his son in the Whitehouse.


Demand for drugs will never wane. The suppliers take the risks because the rewards are great.


The US has been waging a war on drugs and have tried to take that war to various areas of the world and without any notable success.


Nothing has changed in my life time on the war on drugs - it's still being waged and the authorities aren't winning.


Legalise, tax and control it through regulation. What's the worst that can happen and how different is that from where we are now?


I accept that Heroin is in a special class of its own due to its addictive properties. Worst off legalise and tax everything else but not heroin - if you're shopping for your cheap government supplied recreational drugs and you can have anything apart from Heroin, well there's plenty else to choose over.

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Legalise and tax it all.


Look at USA and the prohibition era - old Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and he made enough money to go legit and shove his son in the Whitehouse.


Demand for drugs will never wane. The suppliers take the risks because the rewards are great.


The US has been waging a war on drugs and have tried to take that war to various areas of the world and without any notable success.


Nothing has changed in my life time on the war on drugs - it's still being waged and the authorities aren't winning.


Legalise, tax and control it through regulation. What's the worst that can happen and how different is that from where we are now?


I accept that Heroin is in a special class of its own due to its addictive properties. Worst off legalise and tax everything else but not heroin - if you're shopping for your cheap government supplied recreational drugs and you can have anything apart from Heroin, well there's plenty else to choose over.

But then if its legal, i might have some. As it is now, one of the main reasons i have never touched it, is because its a nick if you got caught, plus the fact i know its a loser.

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Anyone over 45 would be shocked at how many people regularly and recreationally take drugs.


I'm merely mention that because it affects overall demand - it's not just junkies and down and outs.


I would love to know the actual tonne for tonne consumption of cocaine by the City of London. I reckon it is f'enormous.


Legalise it, tax it and control it. I'm not sure what else there is to lose.

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Garbage - your body can do without it. The consequences of staying on the drug are worse than coming off it. Think - Janis Joplin and Eric Clapton. There is a clue - one is still alive.


It can't if you are an addict.


The consequences of staying on street heroin are pretty bad although simply coming off over night can still kill you. The consequences of staying on clinically prepared, pharmacoligical grade heroin are pretty uneventful although not as good as not being on it in the first place.


Janis Joplin is reckoned to have died from overdose due to an unusually strong batch of heroin, as do other addicts. That doesn't happen with clinically prepared drugs.



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But then if its legal, i might have some. As it is now, one of the main reasons i have never touched it, is because its a nick if you got caught, plus the fact i know its a loser.


No you wouldn't.


I don't know how old you are but if you are 40 or under you will know at least one person who could get you anything you wanted, if you really wanted it and the risk of detection is inconsequential.


You don't however for a number of reasons - these are the same reasons why not everyone smokes, not everyone is an alcoholic, not everyone orders (legal) synthetic drugs off the internet (labelled plant food) and so on.

Edited by Mungler
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Jonathan - you are shifting your argument.


It is an actual physical addiction whereupon your body cannot do without the substance being put into it. Withdrawl has dire consequenses and can be fatal.



The consequences of staying on street heroin are pretty bad although simply coming off over night can still kill you.




Spot the none too subtle change. You never mentioned coming off heroin overnight on your first assertion.

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No you wouldn't.


I don't know how old you are but if you are 40 or under you will know at least one person who could get you anything you wanted, if you really wanted it and the risk of detection in consequential. You don't however for a number of reasons - these are the same reasons why not everyone smokes, not everyone is an alcoholic, not everyone orders legal synthetic drugs off the internet (labelled plant food) and so on.

you are probably right, i wouldnt touch it if it was free and legal, i wonder though if it could encourage others out of curiousity, there has to be some mileage in that possibility. I am 45. regards.

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Of the young, I would guess that perhaps 80% will have a go and dabble despite the illegality and the remaining 20% will never touch it regardless of the law.


I think the "is it illegal" bit is so far down the young persons' "shall I give drugs a go" check list as to be inconsequential....

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Jonathan - you are shifting your argument.



Spot the none too subtle change. You never mentioned coming off heroin overnight on your first assertion.


No, but it was brought up as part of the discussion. People are saying that you can simply stop or be forced to stop. You can't as it's dangerous. The point I'm making is that remaining on clinically prepared heroin is often better than the alternative.



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Out of all of this, what is clear is that heroin and opiate based drugs are in a special category all of their own.


Indeed, to have MDMA in the same class as Heroin shows that the drug classification regime is wrong. Indeed, I recall that the chief independent drug advisory tasr sold the government this, got fed up of banging his esteemed professional head against the wall and jacked it in.


What's the score with methadone?


Incidentally, I understand that I can attend a clinic and get some methadone, but I don't. Make methadone available at my local pharmacy and I still wouldn't bother to give it a go.

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I understand the crack, meth, cocaine and very hard drugs cause HUGE issues that at some point effect all of our lives, even something as small as a smack head dragging his feet up to u outside a shopping centre ands asking for money. We are all effected to some point. I like to think that I am always straight down the middle of arguments but I must say (and this may open me up to some keyboard warriors) but not all drugs make u end up like that poor/scummy/low life/ innocent (whatever you would call him) man in that video. My older brother collects breitling watches, where's nice suites, has a VERY nice car and travels to London every day to work, yet of an evening sits in his boxers and smokes weed watching the footy, he's also highly intelligent. And I can't see his 15 years of joint smoking leading to crack use lol just thought I'd put it out there that there's drugs.....then there's DRUGS.


Il return to simply viewing your debates!

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