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.410 brass case reloading.

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Being kind of frustrated with not being able to get enough winchester 3 inch huls for the .410, and 10gram 3/8th oz being about it in steel shot capacity for the little cartridge, i am toying with the idea of using .303 or even .444 marlin brass and loading this for use in a single shot i have, this way i get to need next to no reloading gear and economical shooting.

Anyone loaded any brass .410s like this there is info on case utilisation on the .410 .com site, but a little info from some one who has acctualy done this would be better. can anyone offer advice please.

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Watch this space, as they say


Only just (as of about 01.30 today) annealed 50 of my 303 cases today to be fireformed into 410


Will add the primers and powder tonight and hope to get the fireforming done one day next week

I'll post up before and after photos, etc. once I have done them


From my readings on the topic, the 444 brass is a little on the short side....303 is the best compromise to use, the 9.3x74 is a better donor case, though more expensive

Edited by saddler
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Thats possitive sadler i am just a bit disolusioned with the lack of case availabilty, and the chedites struggle to crimp more than a few times in my recent findings anyway, add to that having to travel to crimp my hulls to a friends place who has a mec or get him to do it, its not practical. This way i am a little more independent and have a long term prospect admitedly limited in use,as i am stuck with the single but i supose i could use the wingmaster and hope i dont lose too many cases.

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I have done it with 444marlin brass,,,,caution! The forward part of the rim usually has to be turned down to allow action closier!


I struggled to get good performance due alot from the fact their is no resistance from there being no crimp, maybe a faster powder would be needed but think a faster powder would give other problems! I even tried with Pyrodex and it still was lacking.


The walls of the cases are thinner than plastic and thus need wider wads to seal the case, normal .410 wads were slack! I am sure it was not helping and the same issue caused problems with 12g brass hulls untill I made over sized card punches and then things got more powerfull on BP.



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I had an idea of geting a 44 magnum pistol sizing die remove the decap plug and when you put the top card in put a round head nail in the top of the die and press the card down firmly and lift the case mouth up into the tapered top of the die this will slightly crimp over the case mouth what do you think.

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Stop wasting your time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no plastic wads are sutable for brass cases felt have to be oversize just order new plastic cases its much cheaper



Its the lack of decent cases thats the problem i can see me having to do as you say but i am going to give it a good shot see what i can make of this, if i could get winchester cases or even those dark green fioochi cases i would be happy, bt the chedites are a flimsey case amd simply dont stand the test of time, but ultimatly i may well have to use them if i want to or not.

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