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Charity ‘Game Birds’ calendar for 2014.


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And (not trying put pressure on) would it not be a good idea to get it done so that it covers much of the shooting yr ie to start sept or oct that way u are selling away from the peak season for these - personally I'm always a bit hacked off that I've got this yrs shoot/beating days inserted but those for jan14 I have to write on back for when new one arrives - good idea? Used to work I'm marketing!!

yes good idea, run from start of jan 2014 to 20th feb2015

Or do you mean run aug to end of july

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I have a beautiful wife, pair of superb dogs and a fine sbs i can borrow :yes: all i need is to borrow a brace of grouse :good: , might be able to do that soon too, duck, pheasant and English or French partridge should all be available in ten weeks :yahoo:

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I have a beautiful wife, pair of superb dogs and a fine sbs i can borrow :yes: all i need is to borrow a brace of grouse :good: , might be able to do that soon too, duck, pheasant and English or French partridge should all be available in ten weeks :yahoo:


:good: :good:

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A suggestion sent to me from a fellow PW member and his wife


Jan - beaters day

Feb - wildfowling (first dibs please!!)

March - mad hares

April - showers

May - fly fishing (duffers fortnight mayfly fishing)

June - game farming

July - CLA game fair shopping spree

Aug - Grouse shooting

Sept - Ducks or patridge

Oct - Phesant

Nov - Woodcock (woodcock fall during the months full moon)

Dec -traditional group get together like calender girls

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A suggestion sent to me from a fellow PW member and his wife


Jan - beaters day

Feb - wildfowling (first dibs please!!)

March - mad hares

April - showers

May - fly fishing (duffers fortnight mayfly fishing)

June - game farming

July - CLA game fair shopping spree

Aug - Grouse shooting

Sept - Ducks or patridge

Oct - Phesant

Nov - Woodcock (woodcock fall during the months full moon)

Dec -traditional group get together like calender girls


How, may one ask is even a bit of flesh, man or womans going to enhance these ?

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I think your subjects are fine but weaving something into beaters day without offending Nigella may be difficult but perhaps a couple of ladies with sticks and wellies in the foreground guns in the back ground with the ladies wearing inappropriately but not ridiculously short skirts, or vice versa ?

Wild fowling could be a bloke a dog a dead bird and a sunset maybe a lady leaning over the sea wall in the foreground ?


Mad hares definately suggests man chasing woman or vice versa in the middle of a cornfield on a hill as part of a wider landscape.

Showers isnt that hard but how to do it decently ?

Fly fishing, I'm giving up !!!!!


Not the subjects its just how you get a bit of zany interest in there with all the views.

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I would have no problem with a tasteful glamour calendar up in our family home...if your talking about field coats with hot pants and no Wobblies exposed I don't see the problem! We had hollyoaks babes on our wall for a few years running! I thought the forum would be full of hot blooded men not prudes :P besides, when do you see a scenic calendar in a workshop, man cave such as a garage, office etc...


Good Call Mrs Tom.

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Havent we done all this stuff - tasteful but maybe slightly suggestive if the girls are OK with It, a bit qwirky and definately shooting with guns other birds and scenery?

Whilst I am sure Pinky would look v good with little on - she clearly isnt that type of person and we are getting the girls etc for free and its for charity.

Its what it can be to sell as many as possible - pervs exit now.

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Havent we done all this stuff - tasteful but maybe slightly suggestive if the girls are OK with It, a bit qwirky and definately shooting with guns other birds and scenery?

Whilst I am sure Pinky would look v good with little on - she clearly isnt that type of person and we are getting the girls etc for free and its for charity.

Its what it can be to sell as many as possible - pervs exit now.

Yes indeed, i think this is where we were thinking of going with the idea, plus Aug to July to coincide with the shooting seasons, some one did suggest a name that sounded good, and the bigger variety of guns / bores whatever the better, may be even a pic of one of our lovely ladies in wildfowlers punt, we need more models and some class guns

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I would have no problem with a tasteful glamour calendar up in our family home...if your talking about field coats with hot pants and no Wobblies exposed I don't see the problem! We had hollyoaks babes on our wall for a few years running! I thought the forum would be full of hot blooded men not prudes :P besides, when do you see a scenic calendar in a workshop, man cave such as a garage, office etc...

Here here, it don't have to be smutty.



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I know plenty of Christians who don't mind a bit of boob! Since when was that a sin?! (remember a lot of these calendars are inspired by the WI!!!!!) But if you don't like it, don't buy it! Simples! :)


And if you had been to church over recent years and seen the outfits the congregation wear nowadays, you would know where I'm coming from!



here here , Samantha has got it spot on , it does,nt have to be full on nudity , i was,nt suggesting you go full frontal :lol: .

just a tiny bit of flesh is what sells .

they do the very same thing with for example fire men or similar type calendars and not one woman complains about those .


anyway thats just an opinion , i think any woman holding a gun is pretty sexy clothed or not

Edited by darren m
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We don't need to see any nudity. It is a well known fact that a partially clad woman is far more erotic than a totally nude one. It gets the mind working. Think of page 3. Yea they're there in your face but so what. Beautiful women posed tastefully are far better eye candy.


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We don't need to see any nudity. It is a well known fact that a partially clad woman is far more erotic than a totally nude one. It gets the mind working. Think of page 3. Yea they're there in your face but so what. Beautiful women posed tastefully are far better eye candy.

Better to see a women in sexy clothes than none, does more for the mind

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