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52g A-Max meets Dog Fox - Graphic Photo!


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I had a new digital caller arrive today so I thought I would go out this evening and try it along with my trusty .222 and some of my home loaded ammunition using H4198 to power some Hornady 52g A-Max heads towards their target.

I went to a farm that I hadn't visiter for a fortnight where the farmer said that he had seen a couple of foxes on a regular basis. I set the caller up and found that even though the "details" said the remote had a range of "up to 100 yards" I was struggling to get the remote to cover a distance (Of clear unobstructed air) of more than about 30 yards - That's not much good to me so it could be getting it's marching orders and being given away very soon!

The caller in question is one of these : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141010418317?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649


Anyway, not very impressed with the caller I decided to pack it away and go to where I suspected an active earth to be. I made myself comfortable, using a hawthorn tree for a bit of cover and a clear view of the earth. I had been sitting there silently for about half an hour steadily sipping on a litre bottle of pure orange juice when I spotted a bit of movement some 100 yards away. Coming along the skyline was a young (And very hansom) looking fox who was heading for the earth that I was watching. I just sat dead still while he approached the earth and waited till I had a clear and certain shot. Fortunately he dicided to sit down just a few yards from the earth offering me a perfect shot directly into his chest along with a good backstop.

The shot was taken from the sitting position at a range of about 70 to 80 yards and while not as accurate as I would have liked it to be he dropped on the spot without even a twitch. On checking for shot placement it seems that I did hit him fairly square in the chest but the bullet appears to have deflected (Maybe off a rib) and cut it's way through exiting just behind the shoulder smashing all of the shoulder bones in the process. This looks remarkably like one of this years young dog foxes, young maybe but certainly big and bold enough to go out hunting on his own.

The farmer cameacross the field a few minutes after hearing the shot and thanked me for ending the young foxes hunting days (His exact words were "That's another bu**er that isn't going to trouble my lambs next spring, well done"! The carcass is now burried it in his dung heap!

All in all a satisfactory evening even if i am not too pleased with the new digital caller.

Now I think i deserve a nice glass of Single Malt (With no other "additives" except maybe another glass later on!)


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Sounds like you had a relaxing evening with a good result at the end of it,well done :good:


As for the caller,try elevating it,had similar with my Fox-Pro but made a hook for it 2ft high & different again.

Thanks for the tip - I did try it hung on the top wire of a barbed wire fence but it made little difference even with the remote held up at arms length as well. I will however try again before I make a final decision.

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Nice going frenchie - I bought 1 of these callers winter gone , what a load of babber, I myself have tried suspending it & holding the remote in the air but with no success. The problem was the weather when I bought mine so I couldn't get out to try it until time ran out for me to return it back to the seller. Do yourself a favour & send it back before your 7 days run out mate. This is some foreigner buying these cheap & nasty callers for pence & cashing in on them. £45.00 a time. ATB PS123

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Good tip not to bother with that caller, well shot.

It does go to show that on the odd occasion a bit of patience can be much better than a (cheap and nasty) caller - Especially on a nice warm summers evening! I have to admit that this is one of my favourite ways of fox shooting at this time of the year, just sitting perfectly still while watching over an active fox earth quietly with your rifle and seeing what is going on around you while surrounded by song birds - Agreed it is not always the most productive way but it certainly is very pleasurable and can be very "educating"!

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It does go to show that on the odd occasion a bit of patience can be much better than a (cheap and nasty) caller - Especially on a nice warm summers evening! I have to admit that this is one of my favourite ways of fox shooting at this time of the year, just sitting perfectly still while watching over an active fox earth quietly with your rifle and seeing what is going on around you while surrounded by song birds - Agreed it is not always the most productive way but it certainly is very pleasurable and can be very "educating"!


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It does go to show that on the odd occasion a bit of patience can be much better than a (cheap and nasty) caller - Especially on a nice warm summers evening! I have to admit that this is one of my favourite ways of fox shooting at this time of the year, just sitting perfectly still while watching over an active fox earth quietly with your rifle and seeing what is going on around you while surrounded by song birds - Agreed it is not always the most productive way but it certainly is very pleasurable and can be very "educating"!

Absolutly brother :)



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