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New auto, fantastic decoying & shooting


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Went to Ladds of Crediton and saw a near mint second hand Urika 2 Synthetic which I just had to have. Smoked a few clays out the back with it and bought it straight away. On way back checked a field of barley stubble and saw a pigeon or two flitting about. We had shot 53 on it only last Thursday but being such nice weather, I decided to give it a go. Dad said he would go on another field to have a go at some rooks and crows that were hitting the cattle feed in the sheds and I set up in the shade of a few trees with a magnet, flapper and a dozen shells. I was sweating buckets setting up because of the heat and had just got my new gun out the slip when two woodies came screaming in over the magnet. A hasty double shot dropped both into the stubble. First shots and first kills!! The pigeons decoyed really well, and I had a nice few left and rights with the auto not missing a beat. A crow came over for a nose and was dispatched and as I reloaded another came in and I had him too. To cut a long story short I fired at 55 pigeons and 2 crows and killed every one!! I admit some were second barrel kills (and twice third shot!!) but every bird I took on came down. I was exhausted through the heat and concentration and Dad arrived with the dogs at half 7 to pick up. Between us we had 81 pigeons, 33 corvids and a rabbit! Fantastic day and I doubt I will ever shoot as well again. The closest bird was a mere 5 yards (it rained feathers for a good ten mins!) and the furthest 56 paces stone dead. All with 7.5 Prima cartridges and half choke. I think I may have to keep this gun :D





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