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Please educate me. Why would I want 4x4 drivers driving all over the countryside I love?? or have I got the wrong end of this particular stick?



same here, green lanes are a nightmare on our shoot with no end of motorbikes and 4x4's using them for access. were they just to use the lanes it wouldn't be so bad but they seem to think fields are fine to drive straight across. Its not an issue if you are on the land legitimately as you have access to the lanes its just green laners who tend to cause damage to the lanes that want them opened up ;)

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Mmmm one of those highly contentious issues. The problem is not everyone who drives off road does so with other people/users and landowners in mind. Essex boys, and chavs spring to mind (apologies mc and others from Ethics ;) ) Those roadways and public rights of way were never intended for off road 4x4 vehicles or even motorised vehicles of any sort and in any event the act does not do away with motorised access completely. It seems to me (reading the usual unintelligible jargon) that it seeks to restrict those vehicles/drivers who just want access for joyriding. At the moment with the land so saturated it’s almost a non-starter to be driving off road as (always assuming you don’t get stuck) you’re gonna make one hell of a mess and someone’s likely to be p***** about that. :lol: I drive off road all the time, in fact I live off road but I like to think I’m sensible and sensitive about it.

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Quote Highlander.


''I drive off road all the time, in fact I live off road but I like to think I am sensible and sensitive about it''.


Hitting the nail on the head comes to mind! If we all used our vehicles and had the same attitude as that, I doubt that the friction and then ban would have come about in the first place. It is sadly the mindless users that have spoilt it for everyone else again.



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Same old story, a minority of careless disrespectfull idiots spoiling it for thr majority.


I was out walking with my family last week end, We got to a little wood where a couple of young lads were having fun on a couple of those little pit bikes not causing anybody any harm.


The next minuite a T##t came tareing accross the wheat field on a motorcross bike ripping the crop out and not giving a toss about anybody or anything. :);):lol: Its nobs like this that spoil it for the majority of people that just want to have a bit of fun respecting other people and doing no harn to anybody else.



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