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Help with cooker instalation!


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Hi Guys,


Any gas/heating engineers online as i could really do with some help to install my cooker! I have included some pictures below...


The cooker has a flexi hose pipe coming from the back which i am led to believe is a bayonet fitting however from the wall we only have a smaller white metal pipe (see picture).


What connection do i need to get for this pipe?


I know it is not a good idea to install gas units yourself if you are not registered which i am not... however i have been quoted £110 to fit and was hoping if i least buy the bits i need and just get someone to fit them it may cut this cost a bit? Or can i fit it but not turn the gas on and just get someone out the test the gas etc...


Thanks in advance for any help.





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need a corgi registered plumber to fit gas fittings, and your right it is a bayonet fitting on the cooker hose, if there was a fitting on the gas pipe its simple to just push and twist to connect, I would buy the bits and pieces you need then get someone qualified to fit it, I wouldn,t take a chance with gas

Edited by yickdaz
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It's not Corgi now its Gassafe remember houses have blown up and people killed because unregitered/untrained people have interfered wth gas fittings and You would be liable in those circumstances up here in Scotland £100 quid is about the growing rate and they supply the fitting and more important shoulder the responsability.

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I'm inclined to think that the OP perhaps meant:-


" does anyone one here know a gas safe registered guy or girl in my area whom I can trust not to rip me off, who could sort this for me, I can source the bits we need if necessary ( if someone on here can tell me what we need!)"


At least I hope that's what he meant, anyway!!


And if anyone knows a gas safe registered (LPG) guy or girl in the Buxton area whom WE CAN TRUST, I would be grateful for their details!



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phone round a few people you have the very bare basic capped gas pipe there by the looks of it so its not a simple connection for an unqualified person. Plus to make it legit there are a few other things to do other than just connect it from what I remember, that quote isn't the end of the world once you knock off parts, vat and the likes. buying the bits yourself is a non starter as it relies on everything being the right part.

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The gas act that governs who may or may not work on gas appliances and fittings is quite simple , in order to work on gas you must be competant ( the act does not describe who is considered competant) the rest of the act is concerned with employees and employers so any competant person can work legally on gas provided it is not for reward or gain without the need for gas safe registration. It's only when you start charging money you need to pay gas safe a few thousand . I spent many years as a gas engineer and £110 seems like a fair price for the job provided it includes the vodka & tonic

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