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Interesting,but surely not true.


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As one of the definitions is quite broad, yes it is.



Religiosity is defined as involvement in some (or all) facets of religion, which includes belief in the supernatural, offering gifts to this supernatural, and performing rituals affirming their beliefs.


So this would include anyone who believes in ghosts. I would hope that the definition was a bit better than that reported, I would also take issue with the quote "religious beliefs are irrational, not anchored in science, not testable, and therefore unappealing to intelligent people who ‘know better’." as belief as well as dis-belief in the spiritual is not testable and further more so called intelligent people can also be irrational, for example they may say they are "feeling lucky"; knowing better is subjective as is the appeal of one thing or another.


But there again what do I know...

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Wars are started by religion or money, I'm not religious, I can't understand why people believe. I mean look at the following: Any person who curseth his father or mother must be killed

~Leviticus 20:9


If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be cut off from their people

~Leviticus 20:18


People who have flat noses, or are blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God

~Leviticus 21:17-18


Anyone who dreams or prophesizes anything that is against God, or anyone who tries to turn you from God, is to be put to death

~Deuteronomy 13:5

(The funny thing about this is that it goes against one of the ten commandments..."thou shalt not kill")


The eating of fat is prohibited forever

~Leviticus 3:17


Entrance into the assembly of the Lord was granted only to those with complete testicles

~Deuteronomy 23:1


Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents

~Deuteronomy 21:18-21


False prophets are to be killed by their own parents

~Zechariah 13:3


If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property

~Exodus 21:20-21


If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives

~Deuteronomy 22:28-29


If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple

~Luke 14:26

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Context dear, context, here`s another one for you as you seem to be collecting them; taken from the Bible and out of context... Psalm 14:1 "...'There is no God'..."


P.S. As a matter of interest, what site did you get them from?

Edited by henry d
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I think it is nothing to do with intelligence I look at life this way you are borne you live for a bit and then you die that is it but other people cannot except that life ends how can it all have been for nothing there brans need to believe that there is more to it than that if there was in fact a god he/she/it would be the one and only not as it seems to be every country has its own god or even gods.

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Their is no need for context when the bible says a bloke lived in a giant fish, amongst other things. Water into wine, parting oceans, etc etc if I wrote a book with that guff in and believed it was real I'd be locked up. It's only because so many people believe the guff that they get away with preaching the stuff

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Context dear, context, .....

Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents

~Deuteronomy 21:18-21


If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be cut off from their people

~Leviticus 20:18



Oh go on then, put these into context for me in such a way as to make them acceptable.

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Parents getting troublesome children stoned? They do that now, it's called ritalin.


The old testament is a very interesting text in a historical sense, it reveals more about the people that wrote it than it does about any supernatural beings. The same can be said about the New testament.


The trouble with faith is that you have to suspend your disbelief and many people find that hard if they have an inquiring mind, I'm not saying believers are gullible or stupid but just more able to set aside logic.

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Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents

~Deuteronomy 21:18-21 (Not a quote from the Bible)


If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be cut off from their people

~Leviticus 20:18



Oh go on then, put these into context for me in such a way as to make them acceptable.


I could, but as you just ripped them from the same site as goodo, I won`t. If you have to go to a site that doesn`t even quote the Bible properly then you are either baiting me or you are just blindly follow another`s ideas and education is not supposed to be about depositing information it is about a journey of discovery.


So with this in mind, are you wiling to read a bit more? If so we can then dialogue. Agreeable?

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I could, but as you just ripped them from the same site as goodo, I won`t. If you have to go to a site that doesn`t even quote the Bible properly then you are either baiting me or you are just blindly follow another`s ideas and education is not supposed to be about depositing information it is about a journey of discovery.


So with this in mind, are you wiling to read a bit more? If so we can then dialogue. Agreeable?


Ripped them from a site? Only this one good fellow, it was pure Copy and Paste of Goodo's post. I am quite willing to investigate further but, I believe the quote that isn't from the Bible should read as follows, "If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."


Call me pedantic, but I suggest we are talking about nuance rather than content! I note that you have chosen not to comment on the second quote, awkward one for you?

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Call me pedantic, but I suggest we are talking about nuance rather than content! I note that you have chosen not to comment on the second quote, awkward one for you?


If you insist, "You are pedantic"


Seriously the whole concept of context has gone over your head. Are you prepared to read a bit or not, otherwise serious conversation is unlikely.

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Henry, I really can't see how that text could be understood any differently no matter what context it was in. Look at the old testament for what it is - a text by less knowledgeable people struggling to understand the world and a rule book for Jews living 3000 odd years ago. Life has moved on, great civilizations have come and gone, we live in a different and better world now and trying to justify the OT just isn't going to wash.

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Henry, I really can't see how that text could be understood any differently no matter what context it was in. Look at the old testament for what it is - a text by less knowledgeable people struggling to understand the world and a rule book for Jews living 3000 odd years ago. Life has moved on, great civilizations have come and gone, we live in a different and better world now and trying to justify the OT just isn't going to wash.



We live in a better world now? Back then they could turn water into wine, come back to life and have fish suppers for everyone.

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one of the easiest subjects to argue about.........you either believe or don't believe.....


personally I don't, but i wouldn't say people who do, are not so intelligent,


its easy to pick holes in words men have written because they are just men, and i would think some who tried to write the codes of life , just got carried away a little ... even us non believers got a few things wrong :)

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