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Middle lane £100 fines & 3 points........Hurrah!


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The best news I heard today is that the Police are now able to hand out on the spot fines & points to drivers that sit in lane 2/middle lane when there's nothing to their left. As I'm sure loads of you on here do too, I use various motorways every day for work and this is something that has infuriated me for years.


I am of the opinion however that 'these people' don't actually know what they're doing wrong and even if they're fined they'll carry on through sheer ignorance. It's always amazed me that learner drivers aren't taught lane discipline by driving instructors yet they can jump on the M6 minutes after passing their test.


I really, really hope that the Police can enforce this and that it makes a difference. By using the middle lane these drivers essentially produce a 2-lane motorway.


Thoughts please PW-ers? Be honest, do YOU drive in the middle lane regardless of what's to your left? If so, why?




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I do all the time I don't speed I stick to 70 am I doing wrong


Yes its lane discipline


Motorway driving should be part of learning to drive too many people pass their tests and think they can drive i see it all the time drivers come of the slip road and straight into the middle lane

Edited by castletyne
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There are very serious crimes being carried out daily in this country, lets talk about the horror of knife crime and how the hell this is going to be sorted, I aint worried or bothered by middle lane hoggers, they are a minor irritant to me. The police cant stop mobiles being used behind the wheel so this is just another similar situation.



If the police were allowed to give big solutions to big problems then I will be interested. until then its all just a smokescreen and a yawn.

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There are very serious crimes being carried out daily in this country, lets talk about the horror of knife crime and how the hell this is going to be sorted, I aint worried or bothered by middle lane hoggers, they are a minor irritant to me. The police cant stop mobiles being used behind the wheel so this is just another similar situation.



If the police were allowed to give big solutions to big problems then I will be interested. until then its all just a smokescreen and a yawn.

More people are killed or seriously injured through bad driving than knife crime


The 3 points and fine will stop many from doing it as it has with mobile phones

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speed is what kills, not twerps in the middle lane.


You may well be right, but at 8.00am this morning the M6 was about to be closed after ONE car hit the back of another in the middle lane. I 'arrived' minutes after it happened and whilst I have no proof that they weren't speeding, the lane is coincidental?

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Another silly law just like the no smoking in "WORK " vehicles how many hgv's, delivery trucks ,cabs, skip wagons, etc,etc, etc,have you seen the driver smoking in. I spend approx 10 hours a day everyday driving for a living in marked police vehicles and never seen anyone take a blind bit of notice to this waste of time law. ( no i'm not a bobby)

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There should be laws for applying make up and having your finger up your nose! whilst driving

At the same time?


You are talented! :lol:


I take it you're in favour of these laws encouraging make up application while stirring boogers?

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Don't believe this media hype, no new offences have been created. It's just that careless driving/driving without due care & attention can now be dealt by means of a fixed penalty notice.


It is a" should" not a "must" to keep left on a duel carriageway/motorway and it has never been easy to get a conviction on poor lane discipline alone and nothing has changed today.



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