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Slow firearms police?!


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I emailed Sussex Police on the 19th August to inform them of my change of address and that i will require a new certificate, and my newly installed cabinet inspected. They acknowledged receipt but we are now at the 12th Sept and still no call from them to get the new license and cabinet inspection.


Is this slow in comparison to other forces?

Edited by wannabe_keeper
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I waited nearly 10 months for West Mercia to contact me to make an appointment to view.....when they finally did I was in the process of moving again!!!! The officer obviously said he would wait til I had moved and for me to contact him direct when I was ready.


So I did......only to be told that my new address was out of his patch and that he would need to pass my details on to the relevant officer. That was over two weeks ago!! Wonder if I will wait another 10 months....you could be in for a long one.

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A change of address should cause no problems for the FAC holder, even if it's a change of licensing department. You will still be in possession of your current valid FAC which will allow you to buy ammunition and lawfully hold and use your firearms.


You may wish to read the BASC fact sheet on the matter.


Their first paragraph states:

When granted, a firearm or shotgun certificate is valid throughout England, Wales and
Scotland, (but not in Northern Ireland) and they are granted for five years. Northern Ireland
firearm certificates are however valid in the rest of the UK.
A certificate remains valid for those five years unless it is revoked for a reason prescribed in
the Firearms Act. The revocation procedure requires formal notices to be served and there is a
right of appeal. The fact that a person is granted a certificate in police area “A” and then
moves to area “B” does not affect the validity of the certificate, which continues to be valid
until its expiry or until it is revoked.
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The last variation i had with Cleveland police was less than 24 hrs i dropped it of and they rang me next day to say it was ready and did i want to collect or should they post it .

I was there with in 20 minutes...They give great service my ticket FAC and shotgun are up for renewal on the 9th nov and in with my reminder was a note from the FEO to say he is coming to do the interview on monday 16 sept at 4-15pm :yes:

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The last variation i had with Cleveland police was less than 24 hrs i dropped it of and they rang me next day to say it was ready and did i want to collect or should they post it .

I was there with in 20 minutes...They give great service my ticket FAC and shotgun are up for renewal on the 9th nov and in with my reminder was a note from the FEO to say he is coming to do the interview on monday 16 sept at 4-15pm :yes:

yep I too have had variations by return of post, moved house last sept, 2 weeks after moving in got my visit, new ticket sent out same week, got to give cleveland firearms their due, they are on the ball.


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