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For the record- my advice would be - do not buy a pump action - whatever the price.


I know some who shoot okay with one, one person who shoots very well with one and quite a few (including me) who can't shoot very well at all with one.


They are the hardest shotgun to shoot with - in a list of SxS, O/U, semi-auto and pump action.

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If your looking for a pump have a look at the pump club posts it runs to a full book of pages. Should tell you all you need to know and you could ask advice from others who use them.


Getting umpty don't help anyone, you won't get people being so forth coming with the info you seek if you get snotty with their replies.


I got what Deekers was saying, if you like it and are happy with the price to you it's the right gun at the right price regardless of others comments.




Edited by figgy
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Ok !! listen up everyone !! I realise that I have probably not handled this subject very well. I did get a bit rattled by certain comments...........perhaps that has more to do with my current stress levels than the content of the replies !


I have apologised to all concerned, and do hope that everyone can move on and start fresh.


Dekers is right about a few things..........I have sort of decided on a pump against other types of gun, but for these reasons: A. I have 2 side by sides already ( 1's a hammer gun ) I have had good scores at clays with the old hammer gun, but little success with the pigeons.


I have, for some unknown reason, never had much joy shooting over and unders..........however, I did enjoy shooting an Beretta Semi. The only thing is this........they don't seem much fun !! There's hardly any recoil and I like the feel of a good kick.


So I was guessing that a Pump Action would be easy to load in a hide.........being single barrel would be lighter than an OU...........it wouldn't spit carts out all over the place ( well, not as far anyway ).........and that it would kick a tad !!!


Dekers was also right with the "buy it if you like it" stuff..............I should not have been so sensitive about this. I do see that sometimes, reading a comment is way different to discussing the matter.


I'm sure that both Gordon.R and Dekers are nice blokes...........as am I, I have never hurt a soul in my life ( do pigeons have souls?,.........that's another topic ).


Thanks for all your comments...............apologies to all that got drawn in. :good:

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Top post Dano :) , genuinely can't remember the last time someone took the time to say he felt he'd have done or said things differently.


Now as to your recoil wish :lol::hmm: , you really need to completely reassess this, believe me you don't want recoil in your life whatever you buy.

Edited by Hamster
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Top post Dano :) , genuinely can't remember the last time someone took the time to say he felt he'd have done or said things differently.


Now as to your recoil wish :lol::hmm: , you really need to completely reassess this, believe me you don't want recoil in your life whatever you buy.

Am I the only one that likes recoil. I was in the services for a short while and have always enjoyed a good kick. My first taste of this was shooting a Lee Enfield 303 jungle carbine when I was 12 years old, the a Parker Hale target rifle 7.62 both had a decent whack when you are this young !!! I was hooked on that feeling !!! :ninja:


Last time I felt a good kick was shooting an old 2 bore Muzzle loader at a game fair...........the bloke charged £4 a pop to shoot 2 3/4 oz of shot out of this thing !!!! I went back about 8 times during the day......what a gun, by the end of the day I asked him if I could shoot with a bit more puff !!! He smiled as he began to load the beast..............by the gods did it kick !!! I absolutely loved it !!!!


Now I regularly put 32gm carts through my little hammer gun............and it lets you know if you don't hold on ( I wear my cycling gloves with rubberised palms cuz the chequering has all but gone ). I am a glutton for punishment me thinks !! :lol::lol:

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Ok !! listen up everyone !! I realise that I have probably not handled this subject very well. I did get a bit rattled by certain comments...........perhaps that has more to do with my current stress levels than the content of the replies !


I have apologised to all concerned, and do hope that everyone can move on and start fresh.


Dekers is right about a few things..........I have sort of decided on a pump against other types of gun, but for these reasons: A. I have 2 side by sides already ( 1's a hammer gun ) I have had good scores at clays with the old hammer gun, but little success with the pigeons.


I have, for some unknown reason, never had much joy shooting over and unders..........however, I did enjoy shooting an Beretta Semi. The only thing is this........they don't seem much fun !! There's hardly any recoil and I like the feel of a good kick.


So I was guessing that a Pump Action would be easy to load in a hide.........being single barrel would be lighter than an OU...........it wouldn't spit carts out all over the place ( well, not as far anyway ).........and that it would kick a tad !!!


Dekers was also right with the "buy it if you like it" stuff..............I should not have been so sensitive about this. I do see that sometimes, reading a comment is way different to discussing the matter.


I'm sure that both Gordon.R and Dekers are nice blokes...........as am I, I have never hurt a soul in my life ( do pigeons have souls?,.........that's another topic ).


Thanks for all your comments...............apologies to all that got drawn in. :good:


Top post matey, you have thought it through well, the Pump is the only gun I have never owned. My comments are related to the fact that Remington's are being called gremlingtons for good reason of late. They are overpriced for the quality and have risen in price banding over the competition without the buyer getting any more- there are lots of cheap pumps about new and higher quality ones on the just used market like the Benelli

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