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Turg Bayard Hammer gun 16 gauge

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Turg Bayard Hammer gun


16 gauge Shotgun Private Seller
Used - Average Condition Bognor Regis, West Sussex
Side by Side, -, -, 31" barrels
P1010083_01 P1010084_01


Double barreled double trigger 16g s/s hammer shotgun,damascus barrels, only one hammer cocks and fires,that can be fixed, it's a nice old gun to hold and look at, the names turg and bayard are stamped on the gun, it's very old and only suitable as a showpiece once it's deactivated. £75.00 face to face or RFD at your expense.

This gun is being sold by Pigeon Watch member bangabunny. Message them here


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Unfortunately, much as one would like to, it's not always financially prudent to 'do up' old guns. I am assuming this one is fairly pitted in the barrels and the photo shows that it is quite likely to be off the face. Even if the pitting could be lapped out and leave a reasonable barrel wall thickness the costs of renovation would not justify it, in my opinion. You are likely to pay £150 to re-joint, another £150 to lap and polish, another £150 to re-brown. Then there would be the cost of fixing the lock. Not to mention re-proof costs and any work to the stock.


So, to get it looking nice and in shooting condition again, one could spend well in excess of £500. All this for a fairly plain looking Belgian hammer gun. I think the owner is probably correct in saying that this one is ripe for deactivating as it would make a nice wallpiece.


Just my opinion, I hope nobody takes offence.


C - B

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Unfortunately, much as one would like to, it's not always financially prudent to 'do up' old guns. I am assuming this one is fairly pitted in the barrels and the photo shows that it is quite likely to be off the face. Even if the pitting could be lapped out and leave a reasonable barrel wall thickness the costs of renovation would not justify it, in my opinion. You are likely to pay £150 to re-joint, another £150 to lap and polish, another £150 to re-brown. Then there would be the cost of fixing the lock. Not to mention re-proof costs and any work to the stock.


So, to get it looking nice and in shooting condition again, one could spend well in excess of £500. All this for a fairly plain looking Belgian hammer gun. I think the owner is probably correct in saying that this one is ripe for deactivating as it would make a nice wallpiece.


Just my opinion, I hope nobody takes offence.


C - B


None taken from me, some people think restoration can be done on a shoestring, on examination of a gun like this its sometimes an Easy decision to Deactivate or Restore


C-B your what i aspire to be

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