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Should heavy drinkers receive more support?


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Apparently about 1:10 people have a problem with alcohol dependence. This may not kill them but will be harmful to them and Those around them? Think about ur friends and family you'll know who has the problems ? Might be wrong but help and support would save money families. and lives?

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I have a couple of cans each evening (not the 7% cheap stuff - more the 4%), not usually any more than that unless my friends are around, but it does help me to unwind and relax. Is that alcohol dependency? I'm currently very, very healthy and I don't think it will do me any harm in the long run. I would just prefer not to have that desire to have a beer at the end of the day.


Does anyone think drink is a massively under-acknowledged problem within the UK?

I work with people who have addiction issues so here`s my 2p`s worth;


From the above it could be that you have or are starting to become dependant. However as others have said, it may be that you could relax and unwind with other drinks too. If you like the taste of beer rather than water/tea/coffee with a meal in the evening try something like Beck`s blue label, good taste and no alcohol.


Alcohol causes unseen damage, I have lost 2 friends to pancreatic cancer/liver cancer in the last few years, both of whom were not problem drinkers, but both enjoyed a regular drink. I too like a regular drink and I have to wonder about the damage it may cause me, was it as regular as them? or were they just predisposed to these forms of cancer and the drinking just made it flare up? Who knows. In the long term, yes it definitely will cause some harm or other.


Yes it is a huge problem and due to the way it is taxed and the profitability for state and manufacturers it looks likely to be another bad legacy for our kids and grandkids.

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If you had any understanding about addiction you would no that we are all diferent one person can drink or smoke or do drugs and not become addicted other people just get trapped and find it very hard to stop you may think that you are safe but then you could be addicted to porn for all we now. :whistling:

You, my friend know nothing about me so your I suggest you keep your nasty little assumptions to yourself....arguments based on knowledge are acceptable, not so supposition....what are you hiding I wonder ??

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I don't think drinkers should be given additional help, you've got gp's who can put you in touch with the relevant people or just google 'alcohol counselling' and your area and hey presto!


I think if people turn to drink through depression then the depression should be treated which in turn should help with the drinking but I've no sympathy for people who end up alcoholics if their own accord.

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Diesel is currently £1.35 a litre at my local garage. If there were no smokers it would be £2 p/l and if there were no drinkers it would be £3 p/l because of the lost tax revenue both bring in being whacked onto fuel :no:


As far as i'm concerned smokers and drinkers are keeping this country moving so Britain;



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