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Help for Heroes Scam?


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Just had a phonecall from what sounded like a Chinese lady. Would I donate clothes etc etc to Help for Heroes or make a donation by creditcard or debitcard?


No thank you I don't think so! 1471 said phone number 000000000.


Have informed Help for Heroes press office who said they don't operate like this.


Pass it on guys please.


Edit 12.00 Just had a call from Help for Heroes and this seems to be happening in the North East at the moment with reports from Billingham, Stockton, Middlesbrough and Newcastle areas. I have informed local police and will ring the local press as well I think.

Edited by Katzenjammer
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Have people got no ethics, is there no depth that they wont sink to? You really have to ask that??


Off all the genuine charities to target that has got to be one of the most honourable! Very true!!


I do hope they catch the lowlife scum. Extremely unlikely, if they did they wouldn't do anything about it.

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Have people got no ethics, is there no depth that they wont sink to?


Off all the genuine charities to target that has got to be one of the most honourable!


I do hope they catch the lowlife scum.

I would have taken action whatever the charity but as I pointed out to the police, the local gazette and the charity it is a clever one to choose given how people feel about its aims and actions etc. Some would blindly give enthused by the mere mention of the charity.

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How would you go about messing up these people if they called you ? Not silly threats of violence, but a way of really ******* them up.


Would you arrange a collection from the local Judges house ? or perhaps it's possible to give enough false credit card details to bring their scam to the card companies attention ?

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