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Second gun


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Ye I know what you mean but I shoot realy well with my auto ! Plus it's a full weekend in Scotland so if any gun ******* up I'm jiggerd !


What make of semi have you got?

Has it jammed before?

How long u had it?


You really should'nt worry about it jamming with 3" as the greater recoil and gas pressure should prevent this.

Iv used 3" in my current semi since i got it and it hasn't jammed yet ("touch wood")


As you said if you shoot better with the semi take it because u'll be p*ssed if u miss birds with or O/U that you could have had

Edited by Wildfowler325
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Ready to take the mick !

It's a Escort ! It's never missed a beat but thought id manually cycle the shells but sometimes they jammed ! I suspect it will cycle better when fired when there's more umph doing the cycling ! (Hopefully) as I say never used 3" before always used pigeon and clay loads in it

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Depends, I have done it, but that was with a group that I had shot with for years and a two guides that I knew very well. One of the party regularly had his 8 with him as well as his 3" 12.


I have only taken two guns into the hide a couple of times when the there was the chance of both duck and geese, and had the two guns for different loads, but always took two guns up with me as we did some duck and game shooting too.


I'm sure you would be ok if the spare remains in the sleeve until if, and what I have heard and read about escorts, when the auto jams. Give the guide a call and ask his opinion.


I was going to take my other gun anyway but was wondering what the guide would have to say if I actually took it in the hide/ditch with me

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Ye I know what you mean but I shoot realy well with my auto ! Plus it's a full weekend in Scotland so if any gun ******* up I'm jiggerd !

I know what mean you I've a baikel semi heavy as #### but It also would jam if I didn't have the gas port open/closed enough to let cycle the carts, but saying all this I shoot really well, well I did until my dad now uses it.

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I have only ever carried one gun for a flight but going away to Scotland for the weekend I would certainly bury a spare in the car.

My Benelli has never let me down other than the odd empty case that wouldn't eject.

Guys who don't shoot auto's are always preaching about the unreliability of the beasts - but in reality they rarely let you down.

Enjoy your trip whatever you decide.

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