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rust prevention


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Not worth the hastle mate. Your gun won't rust by the time it takes you to get to the car



Why not? My auto got all rusty one morning cause the dog shook all the salt water off himself and most of it landed on the gun! My da near killed me I had to go home and clean her several times, if I had brought the oily rag I wouldn't have had to clean it several times, I now carry a rag

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A proper wildfowling gun shouldn't corrode over a few hours, my SX3 with a rustproof coating under the cammo dip is no issue. That said the s/sides I have are a bit of a pain, the only way is lightly wipe them over the night before and dry and clean them as soon as the dog is sorted (few areas allow proper cleaning at the car) Think on about the type of bag its stored in though some hold moisture and salts which is bad.

Does a 120 year old 42" damascus double barrelled 8 bore count as a "proper wildfowling gun" I use bees wax polish and have done all my shooting life.



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Have a look at the Clenzoil blurb, especially the patches. I'll be writing a review when I get the time.


The products will be going into stock at Norgas soon.









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  • 2 weeks later...

after a bit of research it seems cerakote is the answer, in fact it looks the perfect answer but boy is it expensive.. i just got of the phone with rifle craft and its £155 + vat so £186 all in, and they will only send it to an rfd.. i dont know why as its just a steel tube and i didnt have any problems sending another gun barell to have it blacked.. i also emailed valkyrie rifles to get a quote from them


i know its a specialist application but does anyone know anyone else who does cerakoting?

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after a bit of research it seems cerakote is the answer, in fact it looks the perfect answer but boy is it expensive.. i just got of the phone with rifle craft and its £155 + vat so £186 all in, and they will only send it to an rfd.. i dont know why as its just a steel tube and i didnt have any problems sending another gun barell to have it blacked.. i also emailed valkyrie rifles to get a quote from them


i know its a specialist application but does anyone know anyone else who does cerakoting?


I've got the number of the guy who was the first in the country to do it, i've seen his work and its top quality. i think he said £85 plus the post to do my 11-87

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