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Nice end to th Roe Buck season


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I have been trying to get out and complete my cull quota for the bucks over the last 2 weeks but due to weather and other problems I have been unable to get out. I decided last night that no matter what the weather conditions I was going to be out at first light this morning.


I got up at 0430 and had a shower, some tea and toast and packed the rifle and stalking kit into the car. I decided to take the Tika .243 as I was going to concentrate on some of the woodlands on my ground where the 20" barrel was well suited. I eventually left at about 0530 to start the drive of 30 minutes and parked on the main drive way next to the big house. My plan was to check the open area which was about 200 yards from the house and then concentrate on a couple of wooded area's. I had feet on the ground at about 0610, the weather was wet and windy but no where near as bad as it has been, so I was hoping for a successful morning.


The open ground was empty so I headed into the woods and slowly made my way through stopping every now and again to glass the area to my front and flanks. After about an hour I spotted movement up to my right on the high ground and decided that I would go round to the right until I had the wind in my face and head in towards where I saw what I suspected to be a Roe. I moved forwards moving to a spot where I new I would be able to observe the area of interest and was thankfully helped by the wind and tree movement which covered my occasional heavy footedness. I set up and watched the area where I hoed I would be able to see this Roe a bit better. Unfortunately the area of concern was still quite heavy with Brambles and dead Fern and would only allow me to see them at head and shoulder and of course only then if they were browsing the higher bushes. I watched for about 15 minutes before I spotted him coming into view out at about 60 meters, luckily with me being above where he was I was in a good position to take a neck shot and have a great back stop. I waited hoping that he would move into a more open area but this did not look like it was going to happen so I decided to get ready and take the shot as it was presented. I was just about to squeeze it off when I noticed a second buck about 20 meters to the rear of the first one and over to my left. The options were whizzing round my head now, "wouldn't it be good if I could get the both of them", that would certainly be a great end to the season? The plan was hatched that I would wait and hopefully the second buck would move in a bit closer so that I could get a shot at him first then swing through and take the first one. After about 10 minutes of nerve wrecking wait the second boy moved to within 15 feet of the first and they were both browsing a holly bush, I could still only get a clear view of the top half of there bodies so neck shots were all that was available. I did a final scan of the area finding no reason as to why I should not take the shot and follow on with the second if the opportunity presents its self. I lined up on the rear buck and sent a 105 gr SP down on to him striking him on the neck dropping him where he stood. I then swung round on to the second one who had obviously heard the shot and strike but paused that few seconds to many before he was also dispatched with a second bullet to near on exactly where his brother was hit. He also dropped on the spot.



I gralloched them both and headed of to cover a small wooded area that I look after on other ground which is closer to my house. On arrival I kitted myself up and followed a route which firstly takes me round behind the house then if I was to encounter any further deer they would push down into the thicker wood land and hopefully afford me a better shot. Sure enough after about 15 minutes I observed a buck moving through the woods and followed him until I was in a good position to stop and watch what he was up to, hoping that he would move into a sort of bowl area which is known as the sand pit and was a great area to get a safe shot. Yes, I could not believe it and he did exactly that, I needed to move though as if he was to cross in front of me he would eventually get my wind. I decided to move away and then reinsert further down the wood line so that I could move onto the pit with the wind in my favour. I could not believe my luck and the adrenaline was pumping as I moved in and looked down to try and pick him back up. He eventually showed and again I was only going to get a head or neck shot due to where he was but this time he was only at the most 40 yards away from me. I set up the tripod and watched him fro a bit longer, he was a bit bigger that the first two but was still a good cull beast and I hoped that I could add him to my morning total. When the decision was made to take the shot he had moved and was facing away from me so I lined up and squeezed the shot off hitting him to the right side of the Atlas joint and down he went, not another move.




The gralloch was complete and he was put in the truck. I was intending on keeping the first 2 bucks and filling the freezer but decided that I would sell the third buck to the GD along with one of the first two and save the third for my self.


I have to admit I was not having the best of months in October as the Bucks seemed to be away on holiday and was not sure if it would be even worth while heading out this morning. The weather being like it was and the wind blowing in all sorts of directions I could very easily have stayed in bed. Thankfully I did not and what a way to end the season :yes::good::yes::good: .

Edited by Blunderbust
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was a good read/write up, this will probably open up a can of worms, but the end of season kept getting mentioned, along with shooting in a woodland permission, yet its my understanding that for woodland management by the owner or apointed person, there is no season for deer and they can be controlled all year round if they are destroying saplings

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