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16 bore - chokes for game shooting.


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I've got two 16 bores, one choked T/C and full and the other T/C and 1/4. Don't get too hung up on how your gun is choked, it doesn't make a great deal of difference if you're pointing it in the right place. T/C accounts for a lot of birds, including the high ones. I'd favour more open chokes that really tight ones in any gun.

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If walked up or rough I would leave it alone. If driven you MIGHT want to consider opening it up.


Open chokes throw a wider pattern but a shorter shot string, tighter chokes = smaller diameter spread but longer shot string.


So, how good a shot are you, honestly.


If you are a 1 for 2 man leave it alone, 1 for 5 then open the choke barrel only to about 1/2 choke, but before investing any money in it see hwo it fits and how you get on with it. Dont be tempted to stuff heavy loads through it, it will be unpleasant to shoot. I would think no more than 26gr.



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Try different fiber wad carts as they all pattern differently. A tight cart in the open choke and a loose patterning in the tight choke will give you similar results from both barrels.


You can have a different spread to suit your needs without altering the gun.


Or just forget about choke and enjoy your gun and shooting :good:



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