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Norgas - Webber

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After many near misses, I finally got around to visiting Webber at Norgas Cartridges, St Helens - today.


Pleasure to meet John - proper engineer, who knows his stuff. Picked up a few thousand Fiocchi Top 1 shells in 7.5 and 9.


I will be interested to see how they perform, compared to the Eley, Gamebore, Diana and Victory that I have almost used up.


A re-vamped shop, with a proper supply of cartridges - I was impressed. I am honestly fed up of shops who claim to stock millions of shells until you ask for a thousand.


I wish Webber and family well in their new venture.

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Yes, good luck to Webber in his new venture, he certainly seems to be providing top quality shells at reasonable prices.


I've shot a good few of the FBlacks, a top quality load, throwing a good, even pattern, I can't fault them in any way.


I used to shoot Fiocchi's a good few years back, but there were always problems with supply from Italy, hopefully Webber has got this sorted and can meet the demand..?



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Such kind words I'm humbled.


Those that really know me appreciate that I do nothing in half measures.

Fiocchi cartridges was just the start.


The shop in its current form is only phase A of a larger project.

I am however hampered to some degree by stock from a previous business venture.

The stock occupies valuable space, but needs to be turned into cash to fund the firearms business, and create space for an expanded shop.

Its a bit like chicken and egg, and there's a hole in my bucket dear Lisa; but each week a little progress is made.


I have a few plans for 2014 which I'll announce on PW very early in the new year.


Gordon, you really should try the F Blacks.


Many thanks to PW members who have supported me thus far.



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Webber, can you share more info re your other stock. Maybe some on here would have an outlet for it?

I have a website http://www.norgascartridges.co.uk there is an eshop included, although at the moment I'm struggling to keep up with keeping the website up to date, so several products aren't listed yet. So please just ask, I'll do my best.

I also advertise my guns on Gun Trader and some guns on PWs very own Gun Watch.


Currently I can't send cartridges via carrier due to restrictive practices, but this may change in the New Year.

I do use my companies delivery trucks to deliver cartridges within our area of operation which is most parts of the North West of England.


Sadly some of the better known name in shooting don't wish to do business. That's their choice,

I'll crack on regardless and do what I can to the best of my ability.


I'm importing Bernardelli guns from Italy and am currently looking for RFDs who are interested in stocking them.



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