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I can certainly guess the type of people. Probably hadn't put up enough of a fight against the pit bull it was fighting.


Beggars belief what some people are capable of.


One of those stories that makes me ashamed of the human race.


EDIT: And to add insult to injury, the councillor said:


“My concern now is that we are going to have horses from all over the country brought to Wicklow and this is going to be an ongoing problem. Are we going to have people coming to Wicklow to dump their horses as a free way to get rid of them?”


Yes mate, that should be your main concern :mad::mad::mad:

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Totally disgraceful, a foal at foot also (does look a bit old though). How many of you would take a deer with a dependant fawn in tow, and that

would be humanely not kicked to death.


The people who did this would have no qualms doing the same to another person.


Bas you can guess the rest.

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Is that Photoshop?

No, it isn't. It is the horses foal.

Dear Ms Kavanagh, I find your comment following the beating to death of a horse in your constituency, quote: “My concern now is that we are going to have horses from all over the country brought to Wicklow and this is going to be an ongoing problem. Are we going to have people coming to Wicklow to dump their horses as a free way to get rid of them?”

You appear to show no compassion to the fact that an animal has died in a disgusting act of violence, in pain, fear and viewed by witnesses who stood by and let it happen IN YOUR CONSTITUENCY!! And seem more concerned that you may have to put up with the carcasses of more animals beaten to death in your area, lowering the tone of the neighbourhood.

You should be ashamed of your comments, and I for one will not be visiting your county on my planned holiday to Ireland in the New Year.



Email for anyone else who wants to comment: 1patkavanagh@gmail.com

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Just as a passing comment will the RSPCA (Irish branch)be spending £300,000 to bring these scum to the courts.

No, it isn't. It is the horses foal.


Dear Ms Kavanagh, I find your comment following the beating to death of a horse in your constituency, quote: “My concern now is that we are going to have horses from all over the country brought to Wicklow and this is going to be an ongoing problem. Are we going to have people coming to Wicklow to dump their horses as a free way to get rid of them?”

You appear to show no compassion to the fact that an animal has died in a disgusting act of violence, in pain, fear and viewed by witnesses who stood by and let it happen IN YOUR CONSTITUENCY!! And seem more concerned that you may have to put up with the carcasses of more animals beaten to death in your area, lowering the tone of the neighbourhood.

You should be ashamed of your comments, and I for one will not be visiting your county on my planned holiday to Ireland in the New Year.



Email for anyone else who wants to comment: 1patkavanagh@gmail.com


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I'm not shy to say it's obviousky ******* ******! Should be shot, the lot of them. I have zero time for anyone abusing animals like that.

oh come on ...dont jump to that....


I deal alot with the horsey world and know of alot worse than that...


two that were dumped in a canal but a "family"

one that was shot

can go on....

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