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I have been placing some cat food and leftovers out around the yard after work and sitting patiently watching the rats.

I did this for three nights then on the forth night took my 22 HK97 and within one hour 7 rats were shot!


I have been back and have bagged another two over two nights and have seen lots more around but they seem very cautious..

I am thinking getting a Yukon photon nv scope in the new year as I think they have gone lamp shy..


Does anyone else have any ideas how to bring them out or do I just wait a week or two without putting any food out then start baiting them again?




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Yes I could probably leave a light on good idea, I might also move the bait around the yard a bit.

I have a elevated portacabin which allows me to get a good view and well away and out of sight.


Just wish I never got rid of my s410 as the hk 97 is good but I like the follow up shot.

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cheers guys, going to fill a drip tray with water and try the pierced can trick too..What a brilliant idea..

To be honest I shot one earlier and it jumped about a foot then was flipping around but managed to run to cover which I didn't like.

So I am going tomorrow night and take the 410 hushpower ..They shouldn't run away then.. run away then!!

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Instead of ordinary cat food try and liquidise it with some water, the rats can't get hold of a piece and run off with it, they have to stay where the bait is in order to eat it which gives you more time. ATB.

Or if the wife don't let you put stinky cat food in the blender, just mush it with a fork and some veg oil

If you are simply after sport then crack on, keep feeding, but maybe don't shoot for a few days.


Seldom will anyone solve a rat problem by shooting alone, if you want rid of them consider additional measures.

Yep, at best you might make a quick impact. If your shooting half a dozen or more a session then they are likely breeding faster than your killing
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  • 2 weeks later...

Shooting along won't get rid of a rat problem, you need to get some poison down and mop up the stragglers with the air rifle.


I find leaving if a few day with continued baiting, then going back. Try not to use the same spot again and again as they will become wary.

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Shooting along won't get rid of a rat problem, you need to get some poison down and mop up the stragglers with the air rifle.


I find leaving if a few day with continued baiting, then going back. Try not to use the same spot again and again as they will become wary.

I don't think he's trying to eradicate them :whistling:

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