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the poacher

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I've just ordered a Hardy Gen 4 mod for my howa .243 for exactly the same reason! Got the rifle about 3 months ago, 1st cf rifle, and got a pred 8 because it was a popular choice. Now decided it's maki nth rifle front heavy when I'm out after deer walking about, hardy is 290g and pred 8 is 690g! It turned up just before Xmas but haven't tried it yet as had to have the bush turned out to fit and nobody's working over Xmas (can't blame em!)

It's a. Couple of inches shorter and thinner too. Looks all well made, downside is I don't think its strippable. Not cheap at £300 either but if it's an improvement and works I don't mind! Hopefully have it on the rifle within the week so will let you know how I get on.

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looking for abit of info im a owner of a howa 1500 .223 with a wild cat moderator im looking to change it cos its too heavy anyone any ideas,im looking for something smaller and a lot lighter .....any suggestions plz feel free .........thanks mark


Do you already have the COMPACT P8? Howas were commonly supplied as a package with the P8, sometimes the full version, sometimes the compact.


If you have the full size version you will save size and weight by simply converting it to the Compact, that will also save you money on buying a new mod as well!



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I started with both pred 8's on my 243 and 308, have now changed both for Atec maxims, very light, much shorter and over barrel. As for noise, on the 308 its a nicer sound than the P8, on the 243 the maxim is a tad louder but not that much. Your never going to make a cf quiet unless subsonic. Out of all the mods I have heard shoot,esp on 243 I reckon the T8 is the quietest when heard side by side to others.

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looking for abit of info im a owner of a howa 1500 .223 with a wild cat moderator im looking to change it cos its too heavy anyone any ideas,im looking for something smaller and a lot lighter .....any suggestions plz feel free .........thanks mark

I think that weight is not the main issue it is were it is placed and the balance. A lightweight sporter with a long slim barrel with a moderator hanging off the end is going to feel very wrong. The same moderator off a short barrelled varminter with a big laminate stock at the rear will feel much better.

The way forwards is IMO as short a tube as you can, with an over barrel moderator coming as close back the the tip of the forearm as it can, then get some weight into the stock and action area to balance things up.

I like the T12 scout personally from JMS arms. I dislike strippable moderators (too much to go wrong). The T12 is stainless of decent gauge in the walls etc and maintains just fine with a quick squirt of oil after use into the baffles. I have a T8 reflex that is over ten years old here although it has been maintained its only steel and is still good, though I get a little staining from rust inside nowadays, if I get ten years plus from the T12 I shall be happy I have had my money out of it. The scout is just shorter but having the same baffles as the T12 std (being made for scout type riles)

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