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Rain,Rain and more Rain

pigeon controller

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My MET Office App which had been installed by my daughter to give me an accurate weather forecast indicated that the rain would stop in our area at approx 10.30 . So up at 06.00, load the Disco, make the flask's and have a good breakfast , as when I'm out I only drink coffee. Picked up DB at 08.00 and the rain had eased to a heavy drizzle. Set out looking, checked the rape ,maize etc just small numbers of birds around. we kept checking and rechecking areas and all we could find was groups of approx ten to fifteen birds sitting in the oak trees. All the fields were sodden and the road ditches were oveflowing ,no self respecting pigeon was going to venture on the muddy rape or maize but sit in an oak tree and drop down to feed on the grass. It was wierd as there was no wind so no birds were flighting so we knew that if you spooked them they would normally fly off into wind and come back on the wind later as it was so still they would just lift off in any direction. We watched a valley with a good number of oak trees in it all with pigeon in them and decided to decoy the base of two trees in a narrow section off a field. Phoned the farmer and he requested that we do not drive the land as it was so wet . We decide to travel light leaving the magnet and the battery in the Disco and walked down the field from the road spooking the birds up the valley and set up the hide and twelve decoys under the oak tree in a random pattern. It was now 13.15 and it was still raining. The first problem we had was they all came back in one big flock and it was DB's turn to shoot first so we waited to see the reaction to the decoys and they all went to land in the two trees above us so all you could do was bang bang two down flock spooked .They tended to come back in groups of ten plus so we were spooking a good number as we shot. We stopped shooting at 15.15 and picked up fortyfive pigeons and it was still raining . As we walked up the hill to the Disco it actually stopped raining just as the sun went down through the small gap between the rain clouds and the horizon.





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  On 04/01/2014 at 18:38, steveyg said:

You never cease to amaze me PC.. out in this weather and you still deliver a quality bag.. :good: You the man :lol:

Thanks Steve , just remember you have to find the pigeon , forget the weather. If you have a field of pigeon you can shoot them if you have an empty field you will not shoot pigeon only fighting birds. All the best in your quest.

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Very good, though if I may say so you do look a bit bedraggled. Whose turn was it to dry the dog? The pigeon shooting bug has you in it's grasp even on wet days.


However I do have a bone to pick with you. In your post on Thursday you told the assembled PW massive that you had seen a forecast showing Friday to be very wet which is why you went out on Thursday. As I was going pheasant shooting on Friday I spent a very miserable almost sleepless Thursday night cursing the weather, only to find that Friday stayed dry and windy. The pheasant shoot was terrific as a result.


You perhaps ought to get a better App for your phone. I find the MET office forecasts to be the least reliable.

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  On 04/01/2014 at 20:21, JDog said:

Very good, though if I may say so you do look a bit bedraggled. Whose turn was it to dry the dog? The pigeon shooting bug has you in it's grasp even on wet days.


However I do have a bone to pick with you. In your post on Thursday you told the assembled PW massive that you had seen a forecast showing Friday to be very wet which is why you went out on Thursday. As I was going pheasant shooting on Friday I spent a very miserable almost sleepless Thursday night cursing the weather, only to find that Friday stayed dry and windy. The pheasant shoot was terrific as a result.


You perhaps ought to get a better App for your phone. I find the MET office forecasts to be the least reliable.

I totally agree with you as it has been wrong 100%. I'm sorry that I wrecked you beauty sleep for the pheasant shoot , how did you get on .????

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I did post some comments about the shoot last night. It was a very good day. All of the drives were driven across the wind, not all in the usual direction, to take advantage of the strong wind. The pheasants took to the air and in most cases found the wind too strong for them to fly into and they peeled off at great speed over the guns who were placed nowhere near the usual pegs. The bag of 57 was hard earned and a few guns were left wanting by the speed and curl of the birds. Those guns would never make good pigeon shots.

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  On 04/01/2014 at 20:21, JDog said:

Very good, though if I may say so you do look a bit bedraggled. Whose turn was it to dry the dog? The pigeon shooting bug has you in it's grasp even on wet days.


However I do have a bone to pick with you. In your post on Thursday you told the assembled PW massive that you had seen a forecast showing Friday to be very wet which is why you went out on Thursday. As I was going pheasant shooting on Friday I spent a very miserable almost sleepless Thursday night cursing the weather, only to find that Friday stayed dry and windy. The pheasant shoot was terrific as a result.


You perhaps ought to get a better App for your phone. I find the MET office forecasts to be the least reliable.

I also felt a slight dread at a soaking on a pheasant shoot on Friday but it was really fantastic. Very good weather and even better shooting.

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