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Hello Everyone,



I am so sorry to post this as I'm sure similar threads exist elsewhere but I have used the search function and there isn't a 2014 one yet!


I e-mailed my local FEO before even thinking about filling in my SGC application as I have, in the distant past, had mild depression (due to bereavment).

I was also very recently diagnosed with intermittent insomnia but I have had a chat with my GP and the Doctor that diagnosed the insomnia and they have said I am not a threat to myself or others and that I would be an ideal certificate holder (I think they must shoot themselves by the terminology they used!).


My only question is that I only moved into the area about 2 years ago and I'm having trouble deciding who to use as my reference.... I think I will end up e-mailing the FEO again as he was very helpful and I would also like his advice as to where to install a gun cabinet in a new-build (paper walls will be the death of me).


Before I do this though I would like to have some suggestions as to who I could use, I have read the list of people that are able to do it but it does not seem very clear. Also, due to my recent relocation, I would have alot of people in my old town (300 miles away) that could sign but I didn't know if it should be someone local. I do have a family friend that lives close by but he is a retired teacher so I don't know if he foots the bill....


Any help would be greatly appriciated!!!

If there is anyone with experience of the process in Wiltshire I would be extremely grateful!

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its amazeing who you can use mate, Farmers etc, they are all people of standing, how about the doctor (He may charge you, but gets you in the door so to speak:)..

somebody who owns a shop etc, the list is endless really. some FEO`s are fussy, others not, go for the doctor this time, then get your dentist etc, etc..

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From 01.12.2013 , with the introduction of the new forms, almost anyone can sign your aplication, providing is a honest person and no criminal record. Mine was signed by my neighbour, which is a retired council worker, and that was even before December last year. No problem whatsoever with my FEO

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If you know a SGC or FAC holder who has known you for the correct length of time then use them, they will have already been checked by a Police Force no matter where they live. Should you not know a SGC/FAC holder then you can now use anyone, as long as they have known you for the correct length of time, the term " A person of standing etc" is now long gone. (Thank goodness). If your Police Force wants you to send a Doctors report at YOUR expence, refer back to them and simply say it is not in the Home Office Guidance to Police and can they ask on your behalf and stand the cost with your written authority, (Data Protection Act). I wish you all the very best with your application.

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have a look at basc site you,ll find on the new forms anyone who has known you for the required amount of time can now sign,it doesn,t have to be someone from a legal profession.




May I also suggest if you happen to know someone who already has a SGC or FAC they would be an eminently suitable person, after all what Police region could suggest they are not having issued them with a SGC/FAC?

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