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sgc referee who ?


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Yes. It has to be some one who has known you personally for at least two years and be of good public standing. I know the new SGC forms have changed but I think the referee part is still the same criteria so the fact that someone has a SGC means they are classed as good public standing. No RFD's though.

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I think the good standing bit refers not to professionals such as doctors etc but means someone who hasn't been in too much trouble with the law. I don't think an ex bank robber would be classed as a good referee even if he is your best mate that has known you for your whole life. They basically need someone who knows you well and is a sensible person.

Edited by r1steele
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new forms, any one can sign it now,a friend can do it.

There's the answer. I haven't seen the new forms yet but it seems to make more sense to have someone who knows you well as a referee as opposed to maybe your doctor etc that doesn't actually know you properly and may not see you from one year to the next.

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