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rather than us tell you , you need to get down to your local clay range dosnt matter if you havnt a certificate or not, and use one of their "try" guns , you may prefer an o/u or a sxs or an auto..........so find out what you prefer rather than what we think you should have..........

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rather than us tell you , you need to get down to your local clay range dosnt matter if you havnt a certificate or not, and use one of their "try" guns , you may prefer an o/u or a sxs or an auto..........so find out what you prefer rather than what we think you should have..........

Errr he is asking about a flappper vs a Magnet as far as i am aware there is nowhere they can be tried at a shooting ground :lol:

Edited by fenboy
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Errr he is asking about a flappper vs a Magnet as far as i am aware there is nowhere they can be tried at a shooting ground :lol:


Errr he is asking about a flappper vs a Magnet as far as i am aware there is nowhere they can be tried at a shooting ground


Write out 50 times before i go to bed








sorry pay no attention to me im an idiot



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got to admit if Giles was still alive imagine what cartoon would he would draw about someone trying out a flapper and magnet at a clay ground....grandma would be there with a double 8 bore and puffing a cigar...vera sniffing into a hanky...the mangy dog looking skyward the dad with his double 12 and a load of fellas and girls in "beretta" shell suits hanging around with guns over their shoulders........



im going now as im not supposed to hijack posts



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My preference has always been for a pigeon magnet. I have success with them 99% of the time. I believe they draw pigeons to a pattern better than flappers. I still use flappers, but don't have as much faith in them.


That`s all i wanted to know Motty. Pigeon Magnet it is Then. Thanks.

Edited by .270
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morning lads....im writing this from sunny Angola..ive been posted out here for a while ive seen no pigeons yet but shed loads of crows....no guns are allowed in the base im afraid so I might resort to throwing stones soon!!!!


I think if I was getting one id go magnet they work tried and tested...( just don't shoot em)


magnets with decoys on the ground and a few shot birds on bouncers ...will always draw them ...that's if they are there to be drawn of course...after all you can have the best decoys in the world but if they aint there you cant shoot em ...


anyway ...get a magnet if ya want a cheap one they are about £70 ...well worth it .

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