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I want to make my first knife. (Advice needed)


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would just like to pick your brains really as this is somthing I have wanted to do for a long time. what the best way around this? to purchase a kit? build from scratch? or purchase the blade? Best material to make a handle etc. Would really be gratefully for any instructions, advice or tips. I get the idea of it through looking on Internet and threads of course but could do with some guidance





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Build it from scratch.


Check out file knives on the interweb!


Buy the scales and finish them or get a block and shape it!


Ps I have had a go at both, buying a blade from Hennie Haynes and made a file knife. The latter was more satisfying.

Edited by Lampwick
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This was part way through my first Hennie Haynes knife!


I messed up those scales and one other set!!


Will post a picture of the end product when I next sit at my PC!


Dam that didn't work! Can I post an image on the ipad?


I think the file is too large!

Edited by Lampwick
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