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blister on toe GET THEM CHECKED


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Surely he has an underlying problem such as diabetes?



Regards remmyman

remmy, your only right mate , since he,s been in hospital he has found out he is diabetic,, he didn,t even know before he went in , his daughter has told me the infection had spread to the bone and this was the reason for losing his full leg, she also said whilst he was in theatre the hospital rang her to say she needed to be there as it didn,t look good for him, he apparently had 3 cardiac arrests whilst under the knife,


I feel sorry for her and his son, also to make matters even worse for them both they only lost there young mother to cancer 3yrs ago and now this,,


hardest part is I honestly don't know what to say except I,m there for them if they need anything,


he,s been a really good mate for over 30years and was so sad to see him the other night,


we have all just got to club together and try and keep his chin up as he is so low at the moment


atb Evo

Edited by evo
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bloody hell chaps :( I don't like serious threads and this one worries me!. who has a bloody blister checked! no one (exept all ow memeber from this point on) I hope I never have to deal with that?

Deer shooter was your roughly the same thing if u don't mind me asking?

Mine started with a piece of steel swarf in my shoe ended up with a bone infection psudomonus



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I have had blisters on my feet every so often for years, they always took ages to heal and were a real nuisance, a couple of years ago i was sat with my feet up and my dog came over and started to lick and clean them, I didn't bother just let her get on with it after a few days they got better, when I have an occasional problem with blisters she sorts them out and they are fine. My wife who is a Nurse goes absolutely ballistic, but i was telling someone about this and they said that dogs saliva is highly antibacterial and it was commonly used back in the day to treat wounds.

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I think the real point is what do you go to the doctors for its alright for people to say you should go for the slightest thing but if we all did that we would die waiting to get to see the doctor the NHS could never afford to pay the number of doctors and nurses that would be required.


In 99.99999 % of cases a small cut or blister or scratch will heal itself it is only once in a blue moon that a nasty infection will set it we cannot live our life raped up in cotton wool and going to the doctors for every scratch the fact is bad stuff happens.

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remmy, your only right mate , since he,s been in hospital he has found out he is diabetic,, he didn,t even know before he went in , his daughter has told me the infection had spread to the bone and this was the reason for losing his full leg, she also said whilst he was in theatre the hospital rang her to say she needed to be there as it didn,t look good for him, he apparently had 3 cardiac arrests whilst under the knife,


I feel sorry for her and his son, also to make matters even worse for them both they only lost there young mother to cancer 3yrs ago and now this,,


hardest part is I honestly don't know what to say except I,m there for them if they need anything,


he,s been a really good mate for over 30years and was so sad to see him the other night,


we have all just got to club together and try and keep his chin up as he is so low at the moment


atb Evo

I'm really sorry to hear that, it sounds like he and his family have really been through it.


The only consolation I guess is that he's alive and his diabetes will be managed from now on.


I survived a usually fatal illness back in 2012, and can remember the shock and bewilderment both myself and my family felt, so goodness knows how your friend and his loved ones are feeling!


The way I see it is this, It will take a long time for him to come to terms with his 'new life' and may require professional help to do so. The love and support from mates like yourself along with his family will be absolutely crucial, both short and long term.


And for what it's worth, tell him that I for one will be 'pulling for him'



Regards remmyman

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