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After decades of smoking decided to give it up. Monday just gone gave them up, cold turkey. Tuesday started coughing, Wednesday got worse and have strained my stomach / muscles so every time i cough now i'm in absolute agony an feel like ....

But apparently this is doing me good :hmm:

Stick with it you wont regret it...


My Aunt in SA has just had test results back for a persistent cough.. 30 years a smoker... she has Lung cancer which has metastasised to the pancreas and liver. The Doctor was brutally blunt and said "well what do you expect "


My Daughter is a Physio at the local Hospital and 7 out of 10 respiratory problems she treats are COPD...and 9 out of 10 of these are smokers. They cant cure it.


When you come off of any poisonous drug it will be worse before it gets better..The coughing is caused by the cilia repairing themselves and the lung recovering

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Is it really agony, Kev?, I think we need a comparison-anyone on here have lung cancer?, care to let Kev compare? :no:

I really don't need any comparison from anyone thank you, someone very close to me died of lung cancer so i do understand. I haven't experienced it so i can't compare the pain.

But as you need one crack on.

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I packed up 4 years ago cold turkey, no help!

It will get easier mate.


Post was not intended to insult or belittle you Kev - quitting is as hard or easy as you make it. I have often found that giving people a reality check and making them realise that ( in comparison to many unfortunate people) quitting smoking is a walk in the park, often helps them .


Have you ever been addicted to smoking mate?
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Post was not intended to insult or belittle you Kev - quitting is as hard or easy as you make it. I have often found that giving people a reality check and making them realise that ( in comparison to many unfortunate people) quitting smoking is a walk in the park, often helps them .

At the moment i'm not finding 'quitting' difficult, the actual pain/agony i'm referring to is after having a scan I've got an abdominal strain/tear which is ....... painful.

Throughout my life i've lived, worked and known many (unfortunate) people in many parts of the world and i really do not need to use them as a benchmark in my trivial attempt to change my life.

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At the moment i'm not finding 'quitting' difficult, the actual pain/agony i'm referring to is after having a scan I've got an abdominal strain/tear which is ....... painful.

Throughout my life i've lived, worked and known many (unfortunate) people in many parts of the world and i really do not need to use them as a benchmark in my trivial attempt to change my life.

That would probably be a hiatus hernia... make sure you have plenty of Gaviscon in and if you are carrying any excess weight around you stomach which will push it up through the diaphragm. try and lose it.

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