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Organic Essex Rabbits


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Had my first taste of rabbiting with ferrets today on an organic farm where my mate works. We started off the morning on some earth banks around the farm. It was pretty chilly, but we soon warmed up once we got started! In the afternoon we moved on to some paddocks. We got 26 in total, it was a fantastic day and I can’t wait to try it again!


It turns out one of the guys there today was a PW member. So I’d like to say a massive thanks to The Essex Hunter for everything he taught me today!




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Very good score. Is that the end of the ferreting season now? There must be young ones about given the mild weather.

As this is a new farm for us and the guy who was meant to being getting on top of the rabbits has not been getting very many, so we will push a couple of more weeks until we start getting bogged down with digging.



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