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Anyone Vape?


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Last Monday morning I had my last cigarette. I took delivery of my new electronic cigarette and haven't missed smoking at all.


I've given up a number of times and always struggled. Even when I tried patches, if I was with someone who was having a cigarette I would want one. I missed the routine I had got myself into.


I have to say that so far I am really impressed. It obviously feeds my nicotine addiction which I aim to faze out, but this also allows me to have a smoke so to speak as and when I would of done with the real thing.


Anyone else Vape?


I would recommend this to anyone who'd like to kick the habit.


It's early days for me but I hope I can stay off the cigs for good.

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Ive been on it for a little over a year, down to next to no nicotine, i never wanted to give up smoking but cost/health issues a major factor led me down the path of the vape, I must say I've seen vast improvements in my health, not getting tiered while out in the field and feel so much better and clothes/house doesn't smell of stale smoke. You've made the correct decision.

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I only wish that they was about a few years ago when I gave up the fags all of the good side of smoking without the bad stuff people will say that they have not been available for that long so they do not no if they will have side affects but what the hell it has to be better for you than smoking. :good:


It also gets over this thing that they are going mad about smoking in cars with kids no smoke no problem :good: :good:

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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I am still dithering on going over to vaping, despite all the positives I have got from members on PW - I always look for an excuse to keep smoking!


I don't fancy going down the modified pen sytle vaping kit - I know for a fact I would be lost without a cig to stick in my mouth and as an excuse to keep smoking puffing away on a modified fountain pen, doesn't do it for me - so what are my/the best choices in the e-cigs route?



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I am still dithering on going over to vaping, despite all the positives I have got from members on PW - I always look for an excuse to keep smoking!


I don't fancy going down the modified pen sytle vaping kit - I know for a fact I would be lost without a cig to stick in my mouth and as an excuse to keep smoking puffing away on a modified fountain pen, doesn't do it for me - so what are my/the best choices in the e-cigs route?




Take the plunge you won't regret it!

I tried many times to give up, but the truth is I always missed smoking. This has so far been the easiest for me. My mates have a fag, I join them, someone smokes in my car I can join them. It's been just a week but I can honestly say I haven't wanted a cigarette since I got vaping.


This is the kit I started with (bought from this company too). Friends who were already on the electronics are switching to this having tried it because you can customise it to your taste. I've tried some that just don't have enough pull and others with so much you choke, with this you can adjust it so it hits your spot. Go onto you tube and type Innokin VV V3 and there are loads of reviews.



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Ah but thats one of them modified pen sytle vapers, when I think what I need is the feel/look of a more traditional e-cig (so I could kid the brain/hands it was a real cig!!), plus I need lots of back ups/spares like liquid/batteries etc. if I couldn't use my vape stick (even for a few minutes) cos the battery ran out, I'd be digging out the real gear pronto - I never, never go anywhere without adequate cigs to last me, there and back!! (plus £28 for a spare battery if I read the advert right - ouch - nearly as dear as a packet of fags!)






Take the plunge you won't regret it!

I tried many times to give up, but the truth is I always missed smoking. This has so far been the easiest for me. My mates have a fag, I join them, someone smokes in my car I can join them. It's been just a week but I can honestly say I haven't wanted a cigarette since I got vaping.


This is the kit I started with (bought from this company too). Friends who were already on the electronics are switching to this having tried it because you can customise it to your taste. I've tried some that just don't have enough pull and others with so much you choke, with this you can adjust it so it hits your spot. Go onto you tube and type Innokin VV V3 and there are loads of reviews.




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I gave up on 3rd February last year, using the e-cigs. Went to see Mungler in April and he very kindly gave me a vape stick. Since then I've bought two more and never even think about having a real fag. I started off using tobacco flavoured liquid but grew tired of it after a short while so started on some of the 'fruity' flavours.

I never thought I'd prefer the taste but I do, and I feel a whole lot better for having swapped over.


I've managed to encourage two people at work to change over, and so far neither have returned to the weed. Oh, and it's a whole lot cheaper too!!

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I gave up on 3rd February last year, using the e-cigs. Went to see Mungler in April and he very kindly gave me a vape stick. Since then I've bought two more and never even think about having a real fag. I started off using tobacco flavoured liquid but grew tired of it after a short while so started on some of the 'fruity' flavours.

I never thought I'd prefer the taste but I do, and I feel a whole lot better for having swapped over.


I've managed to encourage two people at work to change over, and so far neither have returned to the weed. Oh, and it's a whole lot cheaper too!!

So which e-cigs did you start on before the vape stick? I don't feel ready for the vape stick as my starting point

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Ah but thats one of them modified pen sytle vapers, when I think what I need is the feel/look of a more traditional e-cig (so I could kid the brain/hands it was a real cig!!), plus I need lots of back ups/spares like liquid/batteries etc. if I couldn't use my vape stick (even for a few minutes) cos the battery ran out, I'd be digging out the real gear pronto - I never, never go anywhere without adequate cigs to last me, there and back!! (plus £28 for a spare battery if I read the advert right - ouch - nearly as dear as a packet of fags!)






you seriously sound like I was, rolled my own, every 20 minutes, but you'll never convince the brain that your smoking a real fag, cos you aint, your vaping, it's totally different from smoking, but the same, and its not going to send you to an early grave, so man up

right, go with vapestick



you'll see you get two batteries, so you never run out, just recharge when you go to bed, you can also re charge them in the car, this is the kit I use, phone them up rather than ordering on line, as Im pretty sure they were offering 2 sets for price of 1 until end of February


they are less messy, as you just unscrew tip and put a new one on, if you order refils online via a standing order, they work out to around £6 per box of 4 tips, each tip normally lasts me a day, so £1.50 a day to vape, cheaper than baccy, ok you have the initial outlay, but the batteries should last a good 4 months, maybe longer, depends how much you use them, but by that time you'll know when they need replacing


plus although vapestick tell you, you cant refil them, you can, If you go down that route and get one, I'll post more info on refilling

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I gave everyone I know who smoked an e-cig / vaping kit and everyone has packed in smoking and most have put the e-cig down.


I'm about 13 months non smoking and 5 or 6 months non vaping.


There's loads of threads on here about packing in smoking using an e-cig and you'd be mad not to give it a go. Just ignore all the really helpful advice of 'I just stopped smoking, I put them down and never had another using will power and that's the only way to give up'. That is unhelpful horse poop.


The trick is to get a proper e-cig kit - a rubbish one from a garage for a fiver will put you off but a decent one is just like smoking.


I'd recommend the Itaste dual coil variable voltage and variable wattage kit - it's about £40 and you get 5 spare coils and a charger. The liquid that worked for me was menthol and I had a play about with it (adding a couple of drop of blue absinyth).

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I gave everyone I know who smoked an e-cig / vaping kit and everyone has packed in smoking and most have put the e-cig down.


I'm about 13 months non smoking and 5 or 6 months non vaping.


There's loads of threads on here about packing in smoking using an e-cig and you'd be mad not to give it a go. Just ignore all the really helpful advice of 'I just stopped smoking, I put them down and never had another using will power and that's the only way to give up'. That is unhelpful horse poop.


The trick is to get a proper e-cig kit - a rubbish one from a garage for a fiver will put you off but a decent one is just like smoking.


I'd recommend the Itaste dual coil variable voltage and variable wattage kit - it's about £40 and you get 5 spare coils and a charger. The liquid that worked for me was menthol and I had a play about with it (adding a couple of drop of blue absinyth).


Hey Mungler

What you mention sounds like the one I bought and recommended




I also have a discount code getting a further 15% off any prices from this seller.

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i purchased one last Thursday lunch time whilst in town, i haven't had a rollup since, i have smoked for over 37 years and never managed to quit for more than a couple of hours in the past, over the years i have tried virtually every method to stop, all have failed to help me quit, this was instant. filled up with liquid and that was me stopped, it really was as simple as that, i was a very heavy smoker too, 250g of rolling backy every week, if your deliberating as to whether to give one a try then don't deliberate any longer, get one and you wont look back, no side effects, no withdrawal symptoms, nothing

Edited by paulus
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I think it all comes down to do you rely want to give up or are you doing it for other reasons and feel that you are being pushed in to it but if you enjoy smoking but worry about your health then if it is the second one I would go with the E-sigs but if you really want to stop I would get some patches for the first two weeks then stop but bear in mind you will probably put on the pounds or stones I did and I find stopping eating harder than stopping smoking.

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I bought a TW tornado kit last week but haven't tried it yet, can I ask does anyone know is it safe to vape in the house with others present or is second hand vapour still dangerous like smoke is?

sounds silly but id feel a bit of a fool using it outside or in public which is partly why I haven't used it yet but I do want to try it even if just to cut down a bit and see where it goes from there.

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I bought a TW tornado kit last week but haven't tried it yet, can I ask does anyone know is it safe to vape in the house with others present or is second hand vapour still dangerous like smoke is?

sounds silly but id feel a bit of a fool using it outside or in public which is partly why I haven't used it yet but I do want to try it even if just to cut down a bit and see where it goes from there.

if you think like that, then surely you dont boil the kettle, as its no different, that emits a vapour, e-cigs heat up a liquid and turn it into vapour

so no, its not addictive or harmful to others

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I bought a TW tornado kit last week but haven't tried it yet, can I ask does anyone know is it safe to vape in the house with others present or is second hand vapour still dangerous like smoke is?

sounds silly but id feel a bit of a fool using it outside or in public which is partly why I haven't used it yet but I do want to try it even if just to cut down a bit and see where it goes from there.


1st or 2nd hand smoke is only dangerous because tobacco contains carcinogens. Nicotine isn't a carcinogen but is addictive so you wouldn't want kids directly inhaling it but they'd ahve to be very close to you for that to happen.

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