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Anyone Vape?


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I had my last smoke at the bottom of the Ranger trail at Mt. Snowdon. I consider myself to be fairly fit, but admittedly, still a fat knacker. About 3/4 of the way up, my leg muscles locked up... not enough oxygen and blood = lactic acid build up.

A symptom of too many smokes! 20minute break and I was on my way again.

An hour later while enjoying a cup of tea in the fog at the top and watching other smoking fatties arriving on the train, I threw away a near full box of fags and quit right there.

On the drive back home to the east Midlands, the cramps forgotten and the craving setting in, I got a vapestick and charger with a couple of nicotine free flavoured juices from a service station. Caramel and an absinthe one. Absolutely brilliant kit, somehow it curtailed both the habit and addiction. I haven't had a vape since Christmas, or a real smoke, more importantly. I have kept my vapestick just in case as there are still days you think....damn...I gould do with a fag. Sorry to waffle on, but I have tried all manner of patches, sprays, pills, gum and just end up being a grumpy **** and starting the fags again. This time....

With a greater will to quit and undoubtedly due to the vaping, I am pleased to report not a single smoke or nicotine product has been taken.

My advice, even if you dont really want to quit smoking, vaping is a better option. No smells, cheaper, probably way healthier than a real one due to the lack of tar, and loads of flavours to play with. Wish I'd tried one sooner.

Thanks for reading, and give it a go.

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The trick I found to vaping was to get away from "cigarette" flavours as quickly as possible. This normally means going the "menthol" route or the fruity flavours - adding drops in to the mix as you go along.


After time you will try a ciggy or even a ciggy flavour Vape and you will hate it and know right then that you're over smoking and the "taste" of ciggies.


I quit ciggies Jan 2013, and by Sept 2013 I was off the vaping gear (having heavily used it between Jan to Sept. Indeed, don't feel bad getting stuck in on the vaping - I too was vaping at my desk at work and making the most of it). After a while you just don't need it.


I had a go on a work colleagues Vape pen at lunch last week and coughed my guts up. I reckon that's me and smoking and vaping finished.


Now to shift the weight gain :lol: which is proving more difficult with my lifestyle.




The one thing I don't get is people who smoke, who want to give up but refuse to give vaping a go. That doesn't make any sense to me.

Edited by Mungler
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Mungler, how far do you live from your office?


In March 2010 I was a little over stone, due to the appalling local bus service I decided to cycle the 3 miles each way to and from the train station, by November 2010 I was down to 13st 2lb due to the cycling and cutting back a bit on the grub. Even though I was still smoking at the time I felt so much better and fitter and the lung capacity went through the roof. Worth a thought perhaps? I used to leave the suits, ties and shoes at work. In the end I had the 3miles down to approx. 10 minutes.


Back around 14 now as I now work somewhere where I have to drive to get there, but would go back to the bike in an instant if it was feasible.


The trick I found to vaping was to get away from "cigarette" flavours as quickly as possible. This normally means going the "menthol" route or the fruity flavours - adding drops in to the mix as you go along.


After time you will try a ciggy or even a ciggy flavour Vape and you will hate it and know right then that you're over smoking and the "taste" of ciggies.


I quit ciggies Jan 2013, and by Sept 2013 I was off the vaping gear (having heavily used it between Jan to Sept. Indeed, don't feel bad getting stuck in on the vaping - I too was vaping at my desk at work and making the most of it). After a while you just don't need it.


I had a go on a work colleagues Vape pen at lunch last week and coughed my guts up. I reckon that's me and smoking and vaping finished.


Now to shift the weight gain :lol: which is proving more difficult with my lifestyle.




The one thing I don't get is people who smoke, who want to give up but refuse to give vaping a go. That doesn't make any sense to me.

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After a 4 month lay off (Dec 12- April 13, new place of work) and until I had a knee injury last July (closely followed by piriformes syndrome (sciatica) I used to get out do 10 miles after work, started at 40 mins +, but got it down to c.30 in a couple of weeks. So it's doable with a little effort.


Having to cycle to the station meant that I had to do the work.


I drive to work @ 10 miles away.


I mean to go to the gym every lunchtime but something always get in the way - work meeting, client lunch or work.


I just have to find the time to make the changes.

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Penelope, I now understand. When you were out shooting with me I noticed a plume of 'smoke' coming from your hide after you had fired a shot. I suspect now that you were exhaling the vapour from one of those false cig thingies. I did think that your cartridge had not gone off properly.

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Yep, the ol' sonic screwdriver!


Penelope, I now understand. When you were out shooting with me I noticed a plume of 'smoke' coming from your hide after you had fired a shot. I suspect now that you were exhaling the vapour from one of those false cig thingies. I did think that your cartridge had not gone off properly.

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