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Where do Stick makers get there Sticks?


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When I was younger I learnt how to make thatching spars, for those who don't know what that is, the are split and sharpened hazel used for thatching roofs like this;





I have a couple of bits of hazel here and there, some hedges and things and when the mood takes me or I need a bit of cash I make a few thousand up.


Well today I went to start cutting one of these hedges, it has been seven years since it was cut last and it just the right size for me to use. I drive by it regularly and reckoned that it should be good for 8 or 9 thousand spars, which is a couple of weeks work and a reasonable earner.


Well, when we got started it soon become apparent that somebody had been cutting sticks, now I can guarantee that these have been cut for walking sticks, they have been cut either by saw or secateurs or similar.


As we went on, we found more and more and more, now, ready for the shocker? I would estimate that I have lost enough wood to make £2-300 wort of spars, to least the least I was not happy!


If they had asked I have other wood and know places where the wood is not harvested they could of cut, so my message to anybody who may do this is please don't, to my mind whoever does this has stolen from me, it is no different than stealing my car stereo, my phone or my wallet!


What makes people think they can just help themselves?

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If you split spars made of willow you are a straw hanger


if you split spars made of hazel you are a thatcher



some of the old spars made of hazel that were 50-60 years old and still whole , you could put in a barrell of water for a few days and twist and use them again...ive got a spar makers cut on my left knuckle...right of passage !

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If you split spars made of willow you are a straw hanger


if you split spars made of hazel you are a thatcher



some of the old spars made of hazel that were 50-60 years old and still whole , you could put in a barrell of water for a few days and twist and use them again...ive got a spar makers cut on my left knuckle...right of passage !


lol, I know that cut and do you have an abnormally large muscle on the outside of your elbow? :lol:

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Is it on private property where this hedge is? I cut the hazel for sticks every now and again from the hedge in my field. Never seen anyone else going it


Yes it is private, but I am quite sure all property is private when it come to helping yourself, you can't walk along a footpath and just cut a tree down for logs can you?

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Stick blanks are sold at most country fairs - they must get them somewhere - this may be an amateur 'supplier'. Charging £4-5 per blank its worth it as long as they dont have to pay. Any shows coming up in your area?

I ask the shoot landlord and can take as many as I like but 2/3 a year for me and friends is more than enough - your problem sounds commercial I suggest atrail camera might be good.

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I get all mine from a hedge in a field in Dorset that the lazy owner has abandoned to the wild. Must have cut about 2 or 300 quid's worth this year alone...want not waste not .... :lol::lol::lol:


Thats good, go and get some tomorrow, I wont be there :yes:


Stick blanks are sold at most country fairs - they must get them somewhere - this may be an amateur 'supplier'. Charging £4-5 per blank its worth it as long as they dont have to pay. Any shows coming up in your area?

I ask the shoot landlord and can take as many as I like but 2/3 a year for me and friends is more than enough - your problem sounds commercial I suggest atrail camera might be good.



I think I solved the problem in the best way, I have cut the hedge, he wont be cutting anymore lol, I have thought about what you are saying though and I will be starting a few "so where do you get the wood" chats at some local shows :rolleyes::whistling:

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get mine off evilbay normally 6 for 25 quid so someones took u for a fortune ,trailcam to the rescue.i got nowhere to dry them so i buy off the bay already seasoned .as u say some commercial seller is using u as a free supply .no wonder your angry 300 sticks is 50 x 25 =1250 quid gone west .id be looking at peoples ebay address and popping round for a chat about moneys owed

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That's some sticks someone's cut, I've cut 3/4 in the last 5 years mostly from local woods. I'd never dream of doing so if I thought I was doing someone out of business.


+1. When I wanted a thumb stick 2 years ago I went for a walk in a nearby wood run by the forestry commission, as I walked the dog I kept my eye open for the perfect bit of hazel, found it, cut and trimmed it there and then and hey presto I have a stick - and I won't need another one for years. Technically it was theft but I draw a distinction between cutting a stave for yourself and cutting dozens to sell for a profit.

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I get mine from a wood nearby which is owned by the Scouts. Hazel and chestnut coppice, with permission to cut (we are restoring the long-neglected coppicing). Willow for carving from a farm half a mile from my house, again with permission ("it's a weed, so take as much as you need").

For personal use, just ask politely :)


Commercial cutting on private land without permission, on the other hand, is theft, plain and simple, same as if they stole any other crop.

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I wouldn't mind the odd one or two, most of us would do the same and like I say if somebody wanted a stick for themselves I would be more than happy to help..

Yes your right I'm sure we all would but as you say ...its the "I will take what I want" brigade that really makes your blood boil.... I suppose its the way we were brought up...


Always reminds me from the scene in 12 Angry men starring Henry Fonda when one of the belligerent jurors says to him sarcastically "What are you so polite about??!! – For the same reason you’re not…..I was brought up that way" !


I cut most of mine from the public highway hedgerows surrounding the area where I live about a ten mile radius produces some quality hazel and also blackthorn. Most of the farmers would only flail the hedge each year anyway and leave it in a mess.

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