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rooks not crows

ugly duckling

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Most of the crows shot on here are rooks.

I was always told, "If you see a flock of crows, they are rooks and if you see a single rook, its a crow."

Crows have a feathered area at the base of their beaks and on a rook the same area is bald.

Yep and a crows beak is black and narrower than a rooks which is paler, thicker and a little shorter.


I have shot on some farms where they do not want rooks shot as they believe they do as much good as damage .

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I have dairy farms where the rooks attack the silage in the hundreds and a few others where they decimate sprouting cereal crops and laid down wheat and barley.

The certainly eat leather jackets and other bugs, but they do their share of damage on crops as well.

Not to mention the damage they do to new born lambs, song bird chicks, eggs etc.


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