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For those who use an ULTRASONIC bath....

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Do you pop your primer out first before cleaning? If so with what?


I presume you want to size ( either FLS or neck size) AFTER cleaning or doesn't it matter putting a 'dirty' case in the die?


I ask because the dies often size and pop the primer out at the same time. Doesn't it make sense to clean the primer pocket at the same time as the rest of the case? Then size after......


Any thoughts.

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Exactly, de-prime, clean, resize, trim to length, chamfer and de-burr while inspecting and clean again.


If I'm doing more than say 50 cases I wet tumble using stainless steel pins, does a great job.


For smaller batches or my low load (subsonic) 300aac cases it's de-prime, 20min @ 30c in the washing machine, 8mins in the ultrasonic with a bit of Birchwood Casey and Citric Acid then case prep.

Edited by phaedra1106
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Exactly, de-prime, clean, resize, trim to length, chamfer and de-burr while inspecting and clean again.


If I'm doing more than say 50 cases I wet tumble using stainless steel pins, does a great job.


For smaller batches or my low load (subsonic) 300aac cases it's de-prime, 20min @ 30c in the washing machine, 8mins in the ultrasonic with a bit of Birchwood Casey and Citric Acid then case prep.

A washing machine!? What does that do over an ultrasonic cleaner?

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I put them in the ultrasonic with the old primers still in. Then after a cycle put a drop of lube on and pop the primers out with my normal sizing/depriming die. Then put them back in the ultrasonic to clean the flash hole/primmer pocket.


Takes a bit longer but I don't have a universal de capping die and a second wash won't do any harm.

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I put them in the ultrasonic with the old primers still in. Then after a cycle put a drop of lube on and pop the primers out with my normal sizing/depriming die. Then put them back in the ultrasonic to clean the flash hole/primmer pocket.


Takes a bit longer but I don't have a universal de capping die and a second wash won't do any harm.

Sound idea

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Doesn't a dirty shell mess up the die?

I neck size fired cases but if I have to bump the shoulders I tend to wash them first.

Just don't want any grit between the die and case wall, But I don't use the expander in the fl sizer. Just nk size after.

It seems to be a faf but I get better consistansy from the nk die rather than fl only.

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Doesn't a dirty shell mess up the die?

9/10 I use a Collet Die

no dragging ball expander

the layer of dirt is inconsequential in terms of thickness and effect on neck tension


I could clean them I suppose but it smacks of more work than it is worth

takes a while to US clean and dry

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Doesn't a dirty shell mess up the die?

Look at where the dirt is, none of it near the surfaces the die touches. Cleaning also cleans out the primer pocket and removes lube so you just resize and de prime then trim if needed and then it clean them

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Guest cookoff013

i worked in several labs, and the concensus was to use alittle detergent to clean up...




we also used the decon90 as the standard and it really cleans stuff.

i read that most ultrasonic cleaners need detergent, i just dont understand why it isnt common practice for reloading purposes.

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I got a bit over the top with my case cleaning at one time and de primed with decapping die before ultra sonic cleaning. The theory was that clean cases would give better neck tension on resizing as no residue in case neck. I have stopped doing this now and just resize and clean. I have found it makes no difference ( or any that I can notice) to accuracy or consistency but just makes the reloading process longer. Still have found nothing to surpass birchwood casey case cleaner, before putting in ultra sonic cleaner I have a piece of small wooden dowel that fits just in the primer pocket, dunk the base of the case in the cleaner then insert dowel and rotate a few times. Cleans up the real dirty pockets.

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