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24 Gram load seizing O/U??


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Went clay shooting today with my 12 bore Beretta silver pigeon and had a few 24 gram plastic wad cartridges to use that a friend gave to me due to them not cycling his auto. For some odd reason after firing both barrels the gun would not open? Would push the lever across to break the gun and the gun would open about half an inch and then seize, tried closing it up again then repeating, had to pull it open with a fair bit of force? Then started on the 28 gram loads and it was good as gold didn't do that at all, bunged a few more 24's in and same problem so It was definitely the cartridges. Anyone have any ideas what could cause this on a fairly new O/U?

Many thanks in return Oli

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As Said, Primers are going in too deep, you will know when opened the dent in the middle will have DRAG LINES where you opened it, always keep an eye on your primer dents it can be fixed without having the have new firing pins, if they break when being opened it will cost more,, than just having them rounded off a bit..

Edited by subsonicnat
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The 24g shells were "Clever olympic gold medal 2004" and the 28g were "Lyavale Express Power blue platcic wad"

Maybe the pins were going through the primers then as they seemed to be old carts but didn't see any sines of that happening.

Thanks Oli

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I get similiar problem with some clay cartridges when doing a bit of clay shooting with my sxs. Its random may happen once in 25 shots, have never seen any primer damage. My 24gram reloads shot fine in same gun. My local gunsmith suggested it could be cartridge brand so tried a different brand so far so good. Hope this is of some help.

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Could also be the brass flaring out in the chamber!


I reckon this is more likely. The OP says:



Would push the lever across to break the gun and the gun would open about half an inch and then seize.


If the brass or some part of the cartridge expanded or became stuck in the chamber the extractors would not be able to move them and thereby stopping the gun from opening.


The soft primer theory doesn't make sense if the the gun would open half an inch and then seize, it just wouldn't open at all until the pins became free or snapped.

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