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I went out this after noon for the first time after the shooting season, and nothing would work, we bought a magnet and have tried everything, the hide was fine because we had crows flying right over, however when pigeons started to get near they would vear off, we had them in a horse shoe facing into the wind, and tryed the magnet about everywhere. what is the problem!!

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Pigeon are wild and you are by no means guaranteed to achieve anything.


Anyone who's shot pigeon for a while will probably agree that some days, and especially right now, they are simply not interested and there probably isn't a lot you can do about that. You could have all the toys in the world flapping away and nothing is going to make them want to suddenly become interested in something they don't care for.


If its not happening then have a look around. Has the wind changed? has the flightline moved?


You don't mention over what kind of crop you were shooting, what time you were there or what the weather was like? Had you spotted a flightline and got under it?


In conditions like they are at the moment, most people are having some moderate success getting under flightlines and shooting there without decoys, or roost shooting with lofting poles. I don't think anyone on here has reported anything more than very modest bags for months.

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I think this is one for Will B to answer :lol: seriously though each and everyone of us knows this happens more often than not. Difficult to say without knowing the ins and outs of where you were, weather conditions, crop etc etc But if as you say the birds were coming in then veering away then it can only be one (or both) of two things; a) they are seeing you, movement, flash of face, shadow moving, gun flash etc etc OR there’s something about your pattern they don’t like. Not enough room to land, shiny decoys, magnet itself or shine/sparkle from the magnet. Maybe it was that bright, low winter sun causing one of the above problems.


Try loosing the magnet, too much movement or check the movement of the other decoys.


Might be worth reading Cloudwalkers post … Talk from the field, Success at last. No mention of a magnet!


BUT at the end of the day…sometimes as you say 'nothing works' :)

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I went out this after noon for the first time after the shooting season, and nothing would work, we bought a magnet and have tried everything, the hide was fine because we had crows flying right over, however when pigeons started to get near they would vear off, we had them in a horse shoe facing into the wind, and tryed the magnet about everywhere. what is the problem!!

when putting out decoys i walk round and throw them out willy nilly in a ruff u shape


this helps you to have a random look as you dont want them in lines or all looking the same

way mate



a good idea is to get a pair of binos and sit and watch a flock of pigeons feeding for 10 or twenty minutes

this will let you see how they stand,what distance apart from each other etc watch and learn


pigeon shooting is 1 week looking and watching, to 1 days shooting


hope this helps a little


cheers kirky

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Do you use floaters in the pattern?


I find that a couple of these, set wide and back from the entry to the pattern with good birds on them (nice white neck and wingbars) really give the pigeon confidence to come in.


SS and I have had loads of success with them, it almost creates a landing strip, they will curl round them and inside both floaters and into the pattern. Works best on breezy days and like a magnet they provide something for woody to see from a long way off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

try putting the decoys in pairs and spread them out abit with the magnet in the middle. do it on an old game crop were you all ready no were the pigeons are going. try and face into the wind so the pigeons go over you and can be shot as they and instead of you facing away from the wind so you have the pigeons landing to you!!

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try putting the decoys in pairs and spread them out abit with the magnet in the middle. do it on an old game crop were you all ready no were the pigeons are going. try and face into the wind so the pigeons go over you and can be shot as they and instead of you facing away from the wind so you have the pigeons landing to you!!

ok new to all this what are decoys,floaters at a guess i would say they must be dummy birds? or am i totally wrong? and would i find these useful with my air rifle or is it more for shotgun users.

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Best to start a new topic on this one, yep various assorted types of "fake" pigeon in this case, floaters are spring steel sticks which you attach dead birds too so they "bounce" or "float" in the wind to simulate a landing bird. All designed to bring birds into shotgun range :rolleyes:

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Best to start a new topic on this one, yep various assorted types of "fake" pigeon in this case, floaters are spring steel sticks which you attach dead birds too so they "bounce" or "float" in the wind to simulate a landing bird. All designed to bring birds into shotgun range :drool:

thanks now it all makes sense :drool:

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