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Advice on these Primers Please

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I have kindly been given these primers from a member of this forum.
I have no Idea if they are suitable for what I plan to load and the lad that gave them to me did not know either.
The only thing that stands out is they have green on them.
See Images.
I am wanting to load 30 or 32g 6 shot 2 3/4 inch loads.
Will these be OK


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If I couldn't identify a primer I would dispose of them and use whatever the recipe you are using states or you may not get the performance and safety you are looking for. Using unidentified components is a very bad idea.


i do not know what they are. if you dont, you shouldnt use them either.

I know what you mean lads. Yes it makes sense what you are saying.

It was just incase someone could tell me what they are or simply say yea they will be fine to use.

Thanks again

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100 primers about £2.70 but come on lads why waste them use them in any load that calls for a CX2000 try one or two there is nothing hotter than a CX2000 so what's the problem


The only thing that might be wrong is these might be the wrong size I have some with green varnish and have never found a case for them to fit


The worst that could happen is a low pressure round



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100 primers about £2.70 but come on lads why waste them use them in any load that calls for a CX2000 try one or two there is nothing hotter than a CX2000 so what's the problem


The only thing that might be wrong is these might be the wrong size I have some with green varnish and have never found a case for them to fit


The worst that could happen is a low pressure round



Thanks Deershooter.

I just went up to try these in some hulls.

Your right they do not fit. They do not press in they are too small.

And that's 12g and 20g hulls.

So there you go my question is answered. No I can not use these. :lol:

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Do not fire them down the barrel to train the dog either, your barrels will rust as fast as you fire them.

I won't honest.

Thanks for the concern.

I still appreciate the fact that someone was kind enough to give them to me and they were not to know if they were any good or not.


Since asking for advice on here has learned me a lot.

This is a cracking place for advice and I will take it onboard.

So I will start again......

Anyone got some primers and powder to sell cheap just so I can have a go loading. :lol::yahoo::innocent:

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POSTAGE POSTAGE POSTAGE you need to see if you can get some local. Whats that place near birtley is it called something like bowtec not sure what powder the sell

I would be interested in what that place is.

As long as its not Bradford & Stalker......

I would rather dig my knee Cap out with a rusty spoon than spend any more money in that place.


If there is a place in Birtley please please tell me.....

Thanks again Steve



Its Bowtec of Birtley, County Durham...I will ring them tomorrow.

Address: West Line Industrial Estate, Birtley, Chester le Street, County Durham DH2 1AU
Phone:0191 492 0077
Edited by Fieldsports
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