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What powder

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Just made a 38mm rubber bullet gun this is not on Fac what powder should I use for the cartridges they weigh 2 oz


It's not on Fac because it's not a lethal barrelled weapon it's not designed to kill just smart a little on naughty boys who play football on my front garden


All replies today only thanks



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40mm would have been better as it complies with EC directive 0104365.

38mm is the metrication of the old imperial 1 1/2"...& the inch system was withdrawn as it made Frenchmen too self conscious & French women too keen to make friends with passing foreign soldiers. ..it's also why the EC went to the kilogram, as the Pound could also be used as a verb.


As to powder: try ground up copies of the Daily Mail mixed into a paste with some lighter fuel and a little cinnamon for flavour. Best ignited at arms length; by female relatives on the wifes side of the family. If there's a choice, one could volunteer to look down the barrel to make sure its not blocked


Make sure to take photos

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I made something like this a while back so that i didn't have to get off the couch to tell the kids off and as I couldn't find any load data I just mixed all the powder I had together along with some black and filled it right up, the trick I found was to use a heavy crimp to get all that powder burning nicely before the bullet was on its way.

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