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fox shooting


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I don't no if its me but your shooting doesn't seem to be very accurate they look they are gut shot i may be wrong

trust me some off these shots out beyond 200m with poly tips from a 22-250 , look on lamping foxes (facebook) and see the damage done with that round, don`t forgot also the scope is magged well up an the nv unit too, you talking 30x mag +

cheers, antoni

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I don't no if its me but your shooting doesn't seem to be very accurate they look they are gut shot i may be wrong


that was my impression as well, and best not to mention the hedge as backstop.............. they may be long distance but it should be rare to have one get up on you rather than look almost like the norm.

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Totally agree with Al4x that first fox you gave him a Mohican, the ammo you are using May be good but in the wrong hands it's like everything it won't work I would personally call them in further as you can't us the distance and mag as an excuse.


Didn't watch it all, shots too far back in the body's. Me personally would rather not take the shot at a fox's rear end, either wait or go out another night.


Don't get me wrong I have missed and have a few times need a 2nd shot, I have then stopped and checked zero in the daytime.


sorry for my opinion if it upsets.

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well this is a good debate,these video`s are deffo graphic, show another video via a n750 or maybe a ns200 which can record also at 200-300m on a fox, , what you get with the 2 mentioned is a pair of eyes in the distance which is proper pull the trigger and hope, there`s bob hope and no hope of seeing where you hit the fox, this kit mags up to over 30x+, it`s called vermin control and one dead fox then another job done land owner one very happy chappy :)


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I can't see a problem they all died pretty quick. We wouldn't be concerned if every deer we shot at ran 30 yards then rolled over! One of the foxes seemed to be hit up the side, but he expired pretty quickly. I've shot plenty of foxes and never filmed how good or bad shot placement was, they was either dead or missed!

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I can't see a problem they all died pretty quick. We wouldn't be concerned if every deer we shot at ran 30 yards then rolled over! One of the foxes seemed to be hit up the side, but he expired pretty quickly. I've shot plenty of foxes and never filmed how good or bad shot placement was, they was either dead or missed!

yip you bang on the button bud, its ok for a deer to run 100m before it drops, but not ok for a vermin fox to be shot on video at 300m yet drop on the spot and travel odd meter, when most of internal organs vaporized with a poly tip head

some lads on here need to look on tube for long range night shots? coz there is none


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Come on one got up and started walking the one shot up the **** really wasn't that clean. What it shows is other than poor shot placement is that ballistic tips on **** shot foxes take a while to do the job. I shoot a lot of foxes and really don't have a problem with opportunistic Texas heart shots but I will say it shows a big difference between an 85grn soft point and what you are using. I wouldn't tolerate having ones keep getting up even though I have a hound that likes the occasional one to.

As for shooting at eyes no one has accused you of it that is irrelevant, poor backstop with a hedge though is another matter.

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Come on one got up and started walking the one shot up the **** really wasn't that clean. What it shows is other than poor shot placement is that ballistic tips on **** shot foxes take a while to do the job. I shoot a lot of foxes and really don't have a problem with opportunistic Texas heart shots but I will say it shows a big difference between an 85grn soft point and what you are using. I wouldn't tolerate having ones keep getting up even though I have a hound that likes the occasional one to.

As for shooting at eyes no one has accused you of it that is irrelevant, poor backstop with a hedge though is another matter.

well this may really please you sir, one off tube!, not one for me one bit ;-(

and thats a 100yd!!


Edited by .007
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Foxes are fairly soft skinned animals, and 007 seems to be shooting with a good set up. I shoot mine and deer with .243 x100 grains and never hit one below the engine room. But a gut shot ballistic tip shot fox will soon expire.out and out fox shooters use high mag scopes and shoot out to 300yrds regularly so you can't always be " on target" Not many foxes run off wounded so don't see a problem!

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well this may really please you sir, one off tube!, not one for me one bit ;-(

and thats a 100yd!!


Very little difference between that and the one of your that got up and walked off just you were lucky it stopped for a follow up.

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Very little difference between that and the one of your that got up and walked off just you were lucky it stopped for a follow up.

you are what you are mate and you may call what you wish, end of the nights 8 fox brown bread, while you sit on keyboard wanting for a tease ;-)


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You're right antoni you shot well, we don't all shoot bench rest at Bisley! It's called a follow up shot, you followed up, job done!

alx4 must quote on all posts? as he`s nailed 20,000+ down that will take some beating! not a shooter just sat on laptop as a troll, playing waiting game

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I dont see that commenting on anyone's post count has anything to do with shot placement. I shoot a fair amount, I have missed a few silly ones, the last was probably just 50yards away. Its very rare I would take a shot over 150yds, I think that most shooters on here would be similar.

Maybe its the angle of the dangle that seems to show shots further back than I would normally like to take ???

But one thing that seems to be a concern is comments from yourself, is a lack of respect for your quarry, just seems to be that it will die soon with a "plastic" tipped bullet. Your probably on about vmax or ballistic tips. They aint magic bullets,

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