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dsc1 and .223


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Can I use my 223 for the shooting test part of the dsc1? I'm just filling out the application form and it states if using your own rifle it must be deer legal, it also states that 22 centre fire ammo must be 50g and minimum 1000ft.lb, does that mean I can use 223 as it's legal for muntjac, cwd and roe in Scotland?

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I used my 223 for mine, but i live in scotland, with the change in law in Eng for small der sp, i would say should not be a problem. Any 50+grain factory ammo will be deer legal so should be no problem. (as u will find out just quoting the minium to be deer legal)


Any doubts phone ur course provider to get it direct from them

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I wouldn't worry to much about it , when I did my DSC1 I didn't have a deer legal calibre and the people doing the course had a 243 available for this purpose. Just pop a note in with your paper work explaining, remember it will be a prone, sitting and standing test, if I remember correctly its 75yds sitting and 50yds standing and you can use sticks as long as its what you will normally be using in the field. Sayin that on my course one chap turned up with something quite obviously knocked up the night before, a lot of tongue in cheek banter but he was allowed to use it. You will find the guys doing the course very helpful rather than a strict exam environment but that said it can be a little nerve wracking shooting in front of others if your not used to it. Stay focused and remember your breathing, 50yds standing with sticks is easy but its amazing how much the gun will start going around in circles when there are on lookers.

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.223 rem is not legal for Roe in England and Wales, its not legal for CWD and Munties in Scotland only Roe. Funny insn't it :lol: It perfectly OK for the DSC1 test in England / Wales as far as I am aware with the correct ammo

Are there munties in Scotland? There are no CWD that's almost certain

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Are there munties in Scotland? There are no CWD that's almost certain


Doubtless some place someone might have helped their expansion but not officially, The fact is there are Roe in England and Wales, problem is bureaucrats and ill advised advisors. Strangely I disagreed with .22 CF in England and Wales when proposed for other reasons, so did the BDS if I remember rightly

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